My friends wife just called me today and is looking to get my friend a HTIB for Christmas. His mom bought him a bluray player for christmas and she is getting him this. She said she wanted it for cheap and she found some and sent me some all were under $200 so if there is anything for under $200 that would be great. I know it isn't going to be the best quality or anything. I found This it is $180 at walmart and I saw a couple recommendations on AVSForums. It is going to have the Xbox 360, BluRay Player, Wii, and TV hooked up to it. I can't remember the model TV they have, I am going to go over tonight and try and find out. What would be the best way to do it? He currently has the 360 going HDMI to the TV, Wii Composite to TV, and I am assuming the bluray will be HDMI. I am not sure if his TV has optical out, but if it does would it be best to just run optical out from his TV to the receiver? Also is there any other HTIB for around $200 that is better than that?