need some help (work related)

Dear Summer

Golden Member
Sep 30, 2008
There's a Word document that is used within my project. Now, we're trying to push towards having certain data inputted into an Excel spreadsheet that can be referenced from the Word document.

So I tried "embedding" the Excel spreadsheet into the Word doc so that it's one file. I also tried "attaching" the Excel spreadsheet inside the Word doc so that it can be opened with a double click. The problem is that because the files get so large and complicated in formatting, these don't seem to be viable options. It might work now but eventually the embedded excel sheet could cause problems down the line.

Does anyone have any other methods of making this work? Maybe have link to the Excel spreadsheet hosted somewhere that can be clicked from the Word doc. It would achieve the objective without having to worry about the files getting too large and corrupted from embedding.



Senior member
Sep 15, 2006
Do you have a shared network path that the excel file resides on? If so, you can insert a Hyperlink in your word document that you can click to open the file or the folder containing the file. Just click insert - hyperlink, then navigate to the path (say \\share\excel\file.xls) and give it some text to display (something like Click here for file) Then that text is clickable to link to the file in the doc file without adding any size to the document.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
yup, I'd recommend the hyper-link method as well - embedded spreadsheets in Word quickly magnify the file size to ridiculously large sizes.