Need some help with my MP1200's


Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
Hello one and all. I got some MP1200 CPUs on wednesday, and I'm still working on overclocking them. They are doing 150x10 at 1.75v right now. It is bootable at 1.6 GHz with 1.775v, but after a few minutes of full load, it locks up in strange ways, such as the keyboard LEDs responding to num/caps lock, but not having any effect on the computer itself, or the mouse responding, but not the keyboard. Also, although there is no way to get an accurate temperature reading in Linux, the BIOS reports temps around 33 degrees C immediately after resetting, so I don't think it's overheating.

What I'm wondering is, is there any hope for getting up that high? I have a feeling that more voltage would help, but how much can I safely give it? Should I try a lower FSB and higher multiplier?

Before you ask, I don't know what stepping the cores are. I couldn't make it out, except for the fact that the first 2 letters were AG, and the second to last was O or G.

Thanks in advance for any advice!