Need Some help with finding the right 3D monitor for me.


Senior member
Jun 7, 2011
Well, the last 3D monitor I purchased was a Acer HS244HQ (which was not Nvidia compatible, but still worked). My experience with that was absolutely terrible, 1080p @ 24 FPS was terrible in 3d, and the glasses made my eyes >< (cross-eyed) and messed with my head. I usually don't react like that when viewing 3D content, as I've been seeing movies, and games (on console) in 3D all the time. Anyways, like the title says, I would love to see what 3D monitor would be good fit for me, and I blame my bad previous experience on the monitor I bought.

Some Q's

1. How do you react when gaming in 3D (headache, cross-eyed, ready to barf?)
2. Honest opinion, is it worth it?
3. Are Nvidia 3D glasses super tight around the head? Do they get in the way of headsets?

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, and or has been answered before, I just don't want to spend 300+ on something I will dread for the rest of my life. :D


Senior member
May 7, 2005
1) No issues at all unless I play in 3d for 5+ hours straight, then a bit of eye strain beyond what I would get without it.

2) In some games easily. Metro2033 for example is just amazing. In some not so much, so it depends on what you play.

3) They fit me fine, but this will be more of a personal thing.

I have a LG W2363D