Need recommendations on power supply and CPU cooler


Junior Member
Dec 28, 2000
I have two questions:

1. What is a good 300-350 watt PSU?
2. What is a good cooler for 1,2 Ghz T-Bird?

I'm going to buy the MSI K7T Pro2-A mobo, if that has any importance.

Thanks in advance!


Golden Member
Feb 29, 2000
1. Lot of people will recommend the 351 Enermax - good power supply but definately overrated, its just a power supply, won't help you overclock more and the kt133 is very tolerant of generic power supplies. I have one running a duron system, my other duron runs off a two year old 200watt ps, no difference in stability. At first, I was convinced that it was better because I had spent so much money on it but then reality set in. Consider using your current ps and using that extra money for an additional 128mb ram or something worthwhile. If you need a new power supply then buy the enermax but its not worth upgrading to from a working power supply. If money isn't a concern and you want bragging rights buy the whisper for $60

2. The retail hsf is pretty decent. Alpha 6035 is a good choice. High priced but at least you see a performance difference with Alphas.