need overclocking help


Senior member
Aug 30, 2000
in soft menu III, do you speed up the fsb or the fsb/pci, or a combination of the two? and what cpu voltages are safe? i have an athlon tbird 800, and abit kt7. thanx

also, what temp is too hot. in windows doing minial tasks it is at about 32, but running half-life for a while will get it up to that too hot?


Golden Member
Aug 2, 2000
well, if you chip is "unlocked" (all L1 Bridges connected) then you can adjust your multiplier simply by manually setting your clock speed. Highest voltage you wanna go is 1.85 but don't go there unless need be. You can also try adjusting the fsb, but i'm sure that won't prove to be that effective, most people can't go over 100-105 and those that can go to 110 or so a just lucky. As for temp, under 50 is good, u don't wanna go over that. If you're using the retail hs/f combo i'd suggest buying something a little more effective at heat disepation.


Aug 23, 2000
Personally I use both. I have a Duron 600@ 770Mhz(7x110), setting the fsb/pci at 105/35 and the fsb+ at 5. The PCI+ is a good way to overclock your fsb higher without stressing the other hardware( soundcard,modem,vid cards, etc.)because it does't run the PCI & AGP busses out of spec., which can lead to instability, if you push it too hard.

As for voltages, the KT7 with the UL bios can be set as high as 1.85v, although the hardware monitor shows 1.92v when set for 1.85 on mine. It should be safe to run up to 1.85, at least from what I've seen, and as long as you have decent cooling(important), there shouldn't be any problems. Try increasing your speed in steps, say 50Mhz at a time, then increase your voltage when necessary, if you have problems with stability or crashes.

Temp wise, 49C is getting a little warm(actually a l'il hot), but acceptable under a heavy usage.(I'm sure some will disagree though) My current cpu temps run between 41-46C with a system temp of 28-29C and a room temp of 26C/79F, using a 14$ HS(cooler master). Now a couple of days ago when a cool front made it here to central Texas, the temp in my room was at 22C/71F and my CPU ran at35-39C (cool :) ).


Golden Member
Aug 2, 2000
you need to look at your processor, with no heatsink attached. In the upper right corner there are some gold lines, these are the L1 cache "Golden Bridges". You need to make sure they touch both sides, continuous lines. If they are broken, your chip is unlocked. Fear not though, you can connect them simply by using a pencil or conductive epoxy. It's not a job for unskilled and non-dextris people. I tried to find you a pic, I know there are tons out there, but was unsuccessful in my quick search.


Senior member
Aug 30, 2000
thanx for the helpful replies. one last question(scratch that, i still have a million questions, but one for now), how do you connect the bridges with a pencil? thanx


Golden Member
Aug 2, 2000
I've never done it (duron coming unlocked) so someone correct me if i'm wrong here. You can take a no 2. pencil (i believe) and trace some graphite lines between the bridges until they touch or you can use some conductive epoxy to connect them, i believe that's kinda like a semi-permanant solution as to the graphite. You have to be carefully that you seperate your connections either way you do it, make sure your epoxy/pencil lines don't touch each other. I would suggest a magnifying glass and a pencil, seems the best way to go unless i'm wrong about the pencil thing