Was heading down to college... I see a cop pulled someone over on the shoulder, so (foolishly) I conjectured it's the safest time to speed, while all of the cars are pulling into the left lane and slowing down, i passed the cop in the right lane going ~80mph. Needless to say, that ticked him off -- 5-10 mins later he catches up to me (he must've been going 120+mph to catch up) and he was STEAMING mad. I didn't get a ticket for that, but when he caught up to me he was 'pacing' me at 82 mph... in a 65mph zone. Which means 2 things a) i was speeding over 15mph and it's a $102 fine, and b) in 65mph zone price is doubled (so effectively $204). and I think this one is worht 4 points on my record.
My court date is on the 25th (next tuesday).
I'm not sure, but i've heard that NJ has a "first offense" clause... where they will just charge me more money but I will not get any points, since I have never had any moving violations prior to this one.
Does anyone know what I should do and/or how i should plea? I don't mind paying extra cash to avoid points (and parents finding out).
My court date is on the 25th (next tuesday).
I'm not sure, but i've heard that NJ has a "first offense" clause... where they will just charge me more money but I will not get any points, since I have never had any moving violations prior to this one.
Does anyone know what I should do and/or how i should plea? I don't mind paying extra cash to avoid points (and parents finding out).