I just built myself this new system and everything was working fine. My OS is Win XP and I'm trying to run games on the system. For some odd reason whenever I try to run the games the monitor doesn't receive a signal from my computer. When I first installed the games they worked fine. Here's what I have noticed about my MSI Geforce MX 400 VIVO. The drivers have been a problem.
1.) As soon as I installed Win XP it auto detected and installed XP Drivers for it. I tried to run the drivers from the CD and it screwed up my system bad, so I did a system restore.
2) I then downloaded the latest XP version driver from the MSI web page, and then I tried to use it however it says the drivers are older than the current ones. Odd thing (The drivers were just released like last week, and my XP was purchased when it first came out) and it won't let me use it.
Tomorrow I'm going to try and put another video card in just to make sure it's the geforce, but I pretty much have ruled out everything else since everything was running smooth before I put in the geforce. Just thought I'd get some of your expert opinions.
Sorry if this should be in the tech forum, wasn't 100% sure if it should be in that forum
1.) As soon as I installed Win XP it auto detected and installed XP Drivers for it. I tried to run the drivers from the CD and it screwed up my system bad, so I did a system restore.
2) I then downloaded the latest XP version driver from the MSI web page, and then I tried to use it however it says the drivers are older than the current ones. Odd thing (The drivers were just released like last week, and my XP was purchased when it first came out) and it won't let me use it.
Tomorrow I'm going to try and put another video card in just to make sure it's the geforce, but I pretty much have ruled out everything else since everything was running smooth before I put in the geforce. Just thought I'd get some of your expert opinions.
Sorry if this should be in the tech forum, wasn't 100% sure if it should be in that forum