Need Help w/ Slow Boot: 20 Sec+ Windows Splash Screen


Senior member
Oct 27, 1999
I just upgraded from a 5400 rpm UDMA66 Western Digital hard drive to a 7200 rpm UDMA66 Maxtor drive. I was told that the most noticeable improvement would be quicker boot times.

Well, my boot times on the 7200 rpm Maxtor (with a clean install) are even longer than on my fully loaded 5400 rpm Western Digital! What gives? All startup apps are the same. I even removed all my startup apps from the Maxtor to see if any of them were causing the problem with no improvement. The Windows splash screen hangs for 20-25 seconds, total boot time is over 60 seconds. I really don't want to go thru another clean install just to end up with the same problem. Any suggestions?


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 1999
First thing to do if hit esc when you see the splash screen to see what is going, if anything in, from the DOS screen. May not help you at all, but you can see if their is a device driver that may be causing you some problems. Also, check the device manager, to see if there are any visible problems there. Most noticeably, any hard disk controller issues.


Moderator Emeritus Elite Member
Nov 13, 1999
Did you change also from an Ultra 33 IDE controller to an Ultra66 controller..could have to do with the scan of the Ultra66 controller bus thats giving an extra delay.