Need help to find Windows XP key


Junior Member
Aug 9, 2006
Hello all,
A few years ago I bought an IBM and an HP desktop computer. Along with each computer were Windows XP book and Windows XP CD. The key was located some where in side the computer case. I did not format the PC and I did not pay attention to it. I cleaned the case many time I now I lost it

few weeks ago, less than a month, I bought a Toshiba laptop with Windows Vista Premium, I have a hard time to install my old favorite software. excepted the trial software that were preload on my new laptop, any of my favorite software were incompatible with this new version of Windows.

I really want to go back to Windows XP, but I do not have the key for the CDs. I have 2 original XP CDs without key + books.

Is there any way that I could claim for the key of these CDs?



Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: SoY
Hello all,
A few years ago I bought an IBM and an HP desktop computer. Along with each computer were Windows XP book and Windows XP CD. The key was located some where in side the computer case. I did not format the PC and I did not pay attention to it. I cleaned the case many time I now I lost it

few weeks ago, less than a month, I bought a Toshiba laptop with Windows Vista Premium, I have a hard time to install my old favorite software. excepted the trial software that were preload on my new laptop, any of my favorite software were incompatible with this new version of Windows.

I really want to go back to Windows XP, but I do not have the key for the CDs. I have 2 original XP CDs without key + books.

Is there any way that I could claim for the key of these CDs?


IBM and an HP desktop computer
if the following xp cds go to the previously quoted 2 machines you can google and use magic jellybean to retrieve the oem product keys if the 2 quoted machines are still running the oem install of xp but you cannot use those keys/media(xp cds) on the toshiba legally
I have 2 original XP CDs without key + books.


Junior Member
Aug 9, 2006
it really hurts me if I have to buy Windows XP again.

Windows Vista just came out last Feb. it is so new and it is so difficult to install any program in Windows Vista.
I do not know what to do with my new laptop :(