consider me a newbie with some skills and help me out.
here's my question. i have a RT314 4 port router that i bought a couple months ago when the best buy deal was on(thanks anandtech forums), in anticipation of dsl modem service once i got back to school. hat i was unaware of at that time was that my ISP at school( which happens to be the school itself) gives out multiple IP's (ie 1 per student) to DSL subscribers. so in effect i have no need for the routing capapbilities of the router and want to use it as a switch instead ( since i know it has a built in switch) so.
a: how do i just use it as a switch ( i have roommates who'd like to have their own ip to be able to do ftp serving and such)
and b: if it can be converted into a switch, can it be used also as a router or does it turn into a dedicated switch.
tech suport has no idea what theyre saying, they give me conflicting solutions.
i need configuration info if possible
thanks guys
here's my question. i have a RT314 4 port router that i bought a couple months ago when the best buy deal was on(thanks anandtech forums), in anticipation of dsl modem service once i got back to school. hat i was unaware of at that time was that my ISP at school( which happens to be the school itself) gives out multiple IP's (ie 1 per student) to DSL subscribers. so in effect i have no need for the routing capapbilities of the router and want to use it as a switch instead ( since i know it has a built in switch) so.
a: how do i just use it as a switch ( i have roommates who'd like to have their own ip to be able to do ftp serving and such)
and b: if it can be converted into a switch, can it be used also as a router or does it turn into a dedicated switch.
tech suport has no idea what theyre saying, they give me conflicting solutions.
i need configuration info if possible
thanks guys