need help on OCing A) AMD xp1600+ B)Geforce 2 MX400


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2001
for your GeForce2 MX400 check out this courtesy of anadtech ;)

but with your XP1600 (i'm not the most knowledable) you would want to unlock the cpu (connect the L1 bridges) which is harder than the pencil trick and you go from there :)


Senior member
Apr 9, 2001
Easiest way to OC your 1600+ is to just raise your front side bus. Start about 3 MHz at a CPU intensive tasks for several hours to see if things stay stable. Run games, run SETI, run Prime95...keep that CPU busy for hours. If it is stable, go higher. If you start out good, but find you're getting lockups after a few minutes/hours, or are getting calculation problems, you can try bumping the voltage to the processor up a notch. Run tests again, etc. Go until you feel comfortable running your PC at that speed, or until it won't boot/post/etc. (if you really like to push it far...go till it won't boot or stay stable at all...back off a few MHz...test for stability...if it's good...stay there.)

I have a very mild OC on my 1700+...running it as an 1800+ (11x140=1540). It ran fine at 1900+ (11x146=1606) for about 2 hours, but then locked solid. Didn't try upping the voltage to get it stable there, but I'm sure it'll work just fine once I do that. I'm not worried about it now, since the machine is plenty fast....I'll OC more when I get a bit better cooling too.



Golden Member
Feb 24, 2001
For the video card the performance bottleneck is the memory. Find out the rating of the memory used in your card and get a shareware overclocking program. Slowly increase the frequency of the memory and test with 3D Mark 2000 or 2001. If the movement gets 'frammy' you then need to increase the frequency of the core slightly. It's pretty simple.