need help in overclocking a P2 300 MMX


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member<br>AT FAQ M
Oct 9, 1999
Unless the s-specs are SL2W8 and SL2YK, you can't reasonably expect much more than about 337 (4.5 x 75) out of that processor, since it is at the top of the .35 micron Klamath process. The P2-300 was the last and fastest CPU manufactured at that transistor size, so heat and physical limitations are your biggest enemy.

You need to change the FSB on the motherboard from 66 to 75 to get the 337 speed. Trying to use the 83MHz FSB is really pushing it.....375MHz on a P2-300 you need to be very lucky.

If you were lucky enough to get an SL2W8 or SL2YK (WCPUID will show up the CPUID number as 0652 for these processors), then you should be able to reach 450 (4.5 x 100) in most cases, as these are manufactured on the .25 micron Deschutes process.