Need help in deciding which psu i should get


Sep 12, 2001
im looking at a enermax EG465P-VE or a Sparkle fsp400-60gn or a sparkle fsp300-60btv i really cant decide cause th eenermax looks pretty cool being all blue and stuff and has 2 fans and th esparkles only got one. Im planning on running a 1.4ghz ayay code or whatever it is hehe elsa gladiac geforce 2 gts, 20 gig ibm , dvd and cd-rw , soundblaster live value, 3com nic, oh and crucial 256 ddr on a abit kg7 lite mb in a lian li pc60 case. Help me out and let me know please TIA !!!!


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
I use only a sparkle 235 watt for my athlon 1.33, because it keeps my cpu temps about 4-6 degrees cooler than any other ps. I would go for a 300 or 350 watt ps (no higher) and go with one that is pentium 4 ready, in case you decide to change later on. Besides Enermax and Sparkle, A1 electronics also makes an excellent unit that is well vented. The extra vents on 2 or 3 sides of the cover make a big difference in system temps. Use pricewatch if you are ordering online, and select case power supplies and brands.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2001
I used to run a 1.4GHz Tbird on a 300W sparkle (which I've had for 2 years). Now I have an Enermax 550 or whatever it is. Runs fine too. I would go with the Enermax if you can afford it.