Need help finding a laptop with the following specs


Senior member
Aug 27, 2000
Hi all,

Been a while since my last visit to the forums... glad to see it's alive and kickin' :)

I was wondering if you guys can give me suggestions on a potential laptop candidate. I am currently using a Dell Inspiron 8000 with the following specs:

P3-M 800/650 (100MHZ fsb)
512MB PC100 RAM
Hitachi/IBM 40GB 5400RPM HD
15'' UXGA (apprently IBM panel)
Nvidia Geforce2 Go 16MB

The machine has been a trusty friend for the past 2.5 years... but I recently bought an Audigy 2 NX and that made me realize how slow this thing is. Also, I've wanted to get a better looking screen... I love the UXGA resolution (1600x1200), but its response time, contrast ratio, and color simply sucks by today's standard.

I want something that's affordable ($1000 + or - ) and quiet too. I've been looking at the Compaq X1000, which I bought for my sister and dad over the summer. That thing is awesome except it doesn't have Radeon 9600...

So, anything out there that has a nice 1600x1200 15'' panel with Radeon 9600 in an attractive, quiet set up? If I find one I'll sell my current laptop (so sad...).

Apr 17, 2003
Originally posted by: Frightcrawler
Sorry, but you will not find a laptop with a Radeon 9600 + 1600x1200 screen for $1000.

yup, this is gonna be hard to do. usually, the 9600 is for high end lappys which go for more than a 1000


Jul 17, 2003
The eMachines M6805 is about $13-1400 but only has a 1280x800 screen IIRC. Click the computers link in my sig and look at the laptop for more specs.