I'm looking to buy a P4 2.0 ... and need suggestions on which P4 to get, which motherboard is most stable, and time to buy.
I want the p4 2.0 mainly because I want a 2.0 GHz processor and am willing to go beyond the value cpu (1.6 I think) to get my 2.0 GHz. Also... I don't plan to overclock. I bought my last CPU and motherboard based on plans to overclock and never did, so I'm not going to waste my time this go around. Are there a lot of different types of P4s out there? When I look at pricewatch.com, they have prices for 478 and non-478. I confess, I really haven't been following things lately and don't know what that is.
Since I won't be overclocking, I'm only really concerned with what is the best value in a stable motherboard (with plenty of memory slots and a fast HD bus).
When to buy? I know the first smart-ass answer, "wait a week and the price will go down". I understand that. I also understand that there are cycles based on new products coming out and sometimes you can expect a larger price drop to coincide with new product. THAT is why I am asking this question... I am going to buy now or in the next 30 days and really am not in synch with what is coming out, is there anything that would make it worthwhile to wait 30 days, or just buy now?
Thanks for any feedback