Need best VC option for Dell 2405FPW


Junior Member
Apr 26, 2006
I just ordered a new Dell 2405FPW display to replace my old Dell 19inch LCD, and am beginning to wonder if it'd be worthwhile to upgrade my Radeon 9800 Pro AIW at the same time.

It's on an older board with AGP-only, running an Athlon 64 3200 cpu. I'm hoping to put off a system upgrade for as long as possible, and with my XBox 360 getting a lot of use I really only play Age 3 and WoW from time to time.

Do you guys think it would be worth spending around 200 now to upgrade the 9800? Or is the jump from the 9800 to an Nvidia 6800 not really worth the extra money. Just looking for something that will hold me over to a dual-core upgrade in the fall/winter. Being able to do dual DVI would be a bonus.

What do you think?


Golden Member
Nov 24, 2005
9800 to the 6800gt/ultra is gonna net u about 2 times the frame rates ur gettin right now. HOWEVER, being that u have a rather large monitor no 6800 series is gonna push a game at its native resolution with anything nearing a playable framerate. Now with Age 3 and WoW being ur only games u could simply not play at ur native res and be fine. My advice would be to keep ur 9800 and dont invest money into a dead interface. Play on low res if need be until u have enough to do a complete overhaul and get urself PCI-E, THEN upgrade.



Junior Member
Apr 26, 2006
Thanks ... that's kind of what I'm leaning towards. But once you upgrade one component you really get the itch to upgrade others. Money isn't really a concern, but you're right, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to upgrade a dying standard. Don't want to spend much to do that.


Junior Member
Apr 26, 2006
Hmm ... got a friend willing to buy my AIW 9800 for $80 ... that could easily apply to an interim agp replacement, before I go pci-e in the fall with the new processors/DX10 VCs.

Now I'm leaning towards getting a 6800 and trying to unlock it. Or just buying an x800 GTO. Either is going to run me $70-100 after I sell the 9800, which to me is perfectly fine for the interim.

Just wish there was more of a concensus on which card to buy under $200, that won't be cpu-limited by my a64 3200+.

Could ATI's card numbering system get any more complicated?


Senior member
Dec 29, 2000
I think you're best off waiting until winter and doing the full upgrade.

The 2405FPW can tax a 6800 quite well on hard games, and on 'easy' games, I think you'll be fine with the 9800Pro for now.

Alternatively, if you can get a used card for much cheaper, thats a good option. The main problem with upgrading with AGP is that those cards command quite a price premium.


Junior Member
Apr 26, 2006
I've been looking at that card. But I'm really leaning towards a 6800 GS and trying to unlock it. I can easily swing $100-$150 cash right now, and with the $80 for my AIW, I can upgrade from the 9800 for a good 9 months. The 9800 is just chugging on me lately.

Lord Banshee

Golden Member
Sep 8, 2004
i would think a 7600GT would be faster than a 6800GS...

The 7600GT is as fast a 7800(Non GT) if there was one lol... ie it is slower than the 7800GT but i think it is faster than all the 6800 series.. isn't it?


Junior Member
Apr 26, 2006
I believe the 7600 doesn't come in AGP flavors. I'm just looking for an interim solution to tide me over until the latest from AMD/Intel and a DX10 card (probably in the late fall/winter).

I know it's stupid to drop $300 on a 7800 GS, but I'm tempted.


Junior Member
Apr 26, 2006
Ordered the 7800 GS Superclocked card from Newegg last night, then cancelled. It was $313 shipped.

Noticed that after $80 rebate and the ATI promo code, I can get a HIS x1800xt 512mb PCI-e video card and a refurb Biostar NF4 socket 754 motherboard for $322 shipped.

Both solutions are stretches, but it does seem like I'd be better served to go with door #2.

What I really want is something that will drive the 1920 by 1200 native rez of my new 2405, which arrives from Costco tomorrow. There are very few benchmarks out there, but I'm assuming the x1800xt is a better option for high-rez.