Need Assistance In Recooperating Lost Funds


Golden Member
Apr 29, 2001
Here's the deal. I let a friend of a friend borrow $200 on March 2nd so that he could move out of his apartment. It goes without saying that the lowlife never paid me back. Every time I would ask for it, he would have some lame excuse. What pisses me off is that he said he would pay me back 2 weeks later. Anyways, I was playing dominoes at 3 this morning at work (we get bored as hell) when a friend mentioned that he dreamt that this guy I had borrowed money to had moved back into town. I was like huh? He told me that he moved out of town last week probably back to Arkansas. I was like WTF? The b@st@rd skipped town on me and thought he got away with $200. I am not too terribly worried about the money, but I DO want it back. It's mostly the principle of the matter. I have about $3000 loaned out to other people and one is about to pull the exact same stunt on me. I swear I will beat the hell out of him if I catch him in the act. What I want to know is is if there is anyway to track the thief down. From what I was told he never got a drivers license in my state. I have his first and last name. He had cell phone service with Voicestream where he worked so I might be able to get his old cell #. Will any of this help in tracking him down? Is there anything the local police can do at whatever location he moved to? I am no lawyer, but I was once told that a verbal contrac is just as binding as a written one? Someone give me some ideas. I don't want this issue to die in the water. Thank you very much!


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000

<< I have about $3000 loaned out to other people and one is about to pull the exact same stunt >>

Perhaps you'll learn your lesson? You're not a bank, don't loan out money you want back.


Golden Member
Apr 29, 2001
Gee, such &quot;helpful&quot; people. I did learn my lesson. I have many friends and it hurts me to see them scrape by at times. A TRUE friend helps those in need and doesn't just leech like some of the @ssholes I am coming to meet. Anyways, I want the money back because I need to pay for my brother's wedding. Every little bit helps to make the moment extra special. I know $200 doesn't go very far for a wedding, but I want to contribute as much as possible.


Jul 26, 2000
>>A TRUE friend helps those in need and doesn't just leech like some of the @ssholes

...sounds like they are not your friends, then.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
ya gotta break some bones and make an example out of him to the other people who owe you money. Welcome to the wonderful world of being a shylock. Booya. I prefer the slam car trunk door down on the hands method the best. But the baseball bat to the kneecaps works well too. You will find that once you get established as the man to come to for people in need of money, you can really start charging high interest rates. Currently, I do a 6 for 5 deal, ya gotta pay back 6 bucks for every 5 ya borrow. And they have to pay back within a couple months, or else, I get physical.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2001
put them in the trunk of your car for a couple of weeks. the thugs do that. When their mommies start looking for them, mention the debt.



Golden Member
Apr 29, 2001
It's nice to see all the immature people come out in a serious situation. I am a tad older than these childish remarks. Can someone please help me?


Platinum Member
Feb 24, 2001

<< It's nice to see all the immature people come out in a serious situation. I am a tad older than these childish remarks. Can someone please help me? >>

Yes we can help.May I suggest cement shoes???


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001

<< It's nice to see all the immature people come out in a serious situation. I am a tad older than these childish remarks. Can someone please help me? >>

Yes, I will help you. Regarding your question, a verbal contract is just as legally binding as a written contract ; however, verbal contracts are of course more difficult to prove, since the terms aren't written down, which is why most contracts are written. Your 'friend' can easily claim that your $200 was a gift to him, not a loan, and he doesn't have to return it. Since you didn't have him either sign something, or give you any collateral, you might as well consider your money gone - call it tuition fees for the School of Real Life and Hard Knocks.

It is very nice of you to want to help your friends, but you probably help them best by not giving them jack, and helping them learn that money is earned, not given.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Sigh, yes, what helpful remarks ;)

I can't provide the info right now, but PM me and I'll get you some more info on how to go about these types of situations (legally) later tonight (I have prior experience with these kinds of things).

As for tracking someone down, you won't be able to do it through the phone data unless the cops get a warrant to get the information. You can file a complaint with the cops, but they most likely have bigger fish to fry and won't be of much help, unless it's a really slow day :) A private investigator can help you track down someone like that fairly easily, for a reasonable fee.