I need your guys' expertise advice. I want to build a new system -- fast, but affordable. Please let me know if this is going to be a good setup for the price.
AMD XP 1600+ 133.00
Abit KG7-RAID 153.00
256 MB PC2100 51.00
ATI Radeon 7500 64MB 153.00
Antec ATX SX-830 70.00
I searched all those prices on AccesMicro, totalling $500 and ordering the Antec case on Outpost.com, so that'll be an additional 70. I heard good reviews of the case, but not sure which XP processor has the best performance/price ration.
Also, since the Abit MB has a built-in RAID, but only RAID-0, RAID-1, and RAID-0+1, I'm aiming for the RAID-0+1. I like to know how many HDs do I need. Will (3) Maxtor 40GB do, or will I need (4)?
Purpose (usage of computer): Need an affordable, well rounded high-performance system. Will be used mainly for professional work, such as file sharing, file moving, file serving, FTP hosting, and possibly acting as a low-budget server. Will also use to play high-end graphics games occassionally (such as CounterStrike) and to surf the web. Must be able to handle multi-tasking work. Typical usage on a Win2K Pro includes operating with many applications simulataneously -- MS Outlook and MS Office, Norton SystemWorks (w/ NAV), at least 10 IExplorer windows, as long as FTP hosting, and occasional file sharing among different drives and computers.
Thanks in advance.
AMD XP 1600+ 133.00
Abit KG7-RAID 153.00
256 MB PC2100 51.00
ATI Radeon 7500 64MB 153.00
Antec ATX SX-830 70.00
I searched all those prices on AccesMicro, totalling $500 and ordering the Antec case on Outpost.com, so that'll be an additional 70. I heard good reviews of the case, but not sure which XP processor has the best performance/price ration.
Also, since the Abit MB has a built-in RAID, but only RAID-0, RAID-1, and RAID-0+1, I'm aiming for the RAID-0+1. I like to know how many HDs do I need. Will (3) Maxtor 40GB do, or will I need (4)?
Purpose (usage of computer): Need an affordable, well rounded high-performance system. Will be used mainly for professional work, such as file sharing, file moving, file serving, FTP hosting, and possibly acting as a low-budget server. Will also use to play high-end graphics games occassionally (such as CounterStrike) and to surf the web. Must be able to handle multi-tasking work. Typical usage on a Win2K Pro includes operating with many applications simulataneously -- MS Outlook and MS Office, Norton SystemWorks (w/ NAV), at least 10 IExplorer windows, as long as FTP hosting, and occasional file sharing among different drives and computers.
Thanks in advance.