Need advice, any Windows ME guru's out there? UPDATE - PROBLEM SOLVED


Jun 11, 2001
Ok heres the problem..

I just got a Radeon 8500, and ever since, when i play First person shooters the game stutters (im not sure what else to call it). While im playing every 10-20 seconds my player stops moving( i can still look around and fire) for a second and then goes back to normal, Its like playing multiplayer and having bad Lag. I have the latest patches for my games.
I have an Epox 8KHA+,Athlon 1800+, Radeon 8500, SBlive 5.1, Maxtor 40G 7200, TDK CDRW, 512 pc2100 DDR, D-link DFE 550tx Ethernet card

MY Radeon 8500 shares IRQ 11 with the SBlive and the Network card. Ive heard that your supposed to have the Radeon on its own IRQ but i cant make windows keep 11 just for my video card. The only way i can get it on its own IRQ is to disable the network and sound card in the hardware profile. But even so this didnt help my problem.

I have tried to systematically disable and enable the settings for my card and none of this has helped either. The problem persist in multiplayer, and single player. I have 4.13.7191 driver installed

I have no idea what this problem is or how to fix it. Should i continue to try and isolate IRQ 11 for my video card and if so how ?
( or did i prove that thats not the problem when i disabled everything sharing that resource). I believe i have the most up to date drivers. Something im not sure about are the settings for AGP. I have the most recent AGP drivers also. What should my Aperature size be right now its set at 128, ive also tried 256. I have tried both 4x and 2x settings also.

I really need some help here. I hope someone know what i should do next.

just thought of something i have running when windows starts, i wonder if this may be contrubiting to the problem. Im going to check right now.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
(Win me ughhh)

Did you remove the old drivers from the previous graphics card? I would do that. Or even go for the clean install.



Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
I think you need to play "musical pci devices"...move nic and sblive into different slots...maybe disable some of the wasteful irq hogs such as serial com 1 and 2 that are often uused due to the rise of usb devices. Maybe the parallel port can go as well...

I am pretty sure that a vid card and sound card should not share irqs let alone the NIc card as well...That is too much.


Golden Member
Jun 14, 2000
I am going to ask the obvious question. Have you tried closing all processes that are not needed to play the game? It could very well be that you have something running in the background that is causing the stutter. This includes closing all programs that are not needed to run the game in your toolbar.


Jun 11, 2001
problem solved

heres what fixed it. I moved the network card to the last pci slot and the sound card to the second, i disabled midi , and i set IRQ to manual in the bios, which still wont let me manually assign IRQ's but now the network card is on a different IRQ so its only sharing with the sound card now.

thanks for the help