Horrible idea. As with many things, even for a card reader you get what you pay for.
Difference between a cheap and higher priced card reader could be as much as 3MB/s vs 20 MB/s from my experience. Bother are USB 2.0 high speed. Cheap one was ~$5, the Kingston was $13.
Thanks everyone. I was puzzled because I hadn't seen any card readers that said they were Windows 7 64-bit compatible and I didn't want to order one just to find out it didn't work.
USB is USB ... as long as your computer and OS have the USB drivers you are fine. Only thing with the Sandisk I linked to, is it has a Picture transfer button on it, that runs with software Sandisk provides with it. This button is not needed in any way or form. I prefer Sandisk since they seem to be very reliable for an external unit and they are not costly (around $30)
What threw me off was I had a USB card reader on my old XP PC (it was 5 years old). I attached it to my new PC and... nothing. Don't remember if it had drivers on the old PC but Windows 7 never even noticed when I plugged it in to the new PC. I know the USB port is good so that made me wonder about a new one.
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