Originally posted by: wolfman11
Originally posted by: MrRamon
Originally posted by: MrRamon
Ooh, 18A's MAX on the 12v rail. That's way less than this 330 watt Seasonic for $55, since 18A max is no more than 14.4A continuous. That Seasonic has an 8A and a 14A 12v rail, and that's continous.Originally posted by: BoberFett
If you're looking for a decent PSU cheap, try this Thermaltake
$30 after rebate get's you 430watts, PCIe, and (almost) fully sleeved cables. I put one in my main machine to replace a dead Antec TruePower and it's been doing great. Can't speak for longevity since I haven't had it long, but it's doing the job so far.