Need a good pair of Ear Phones...


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Ok you audiophiles.

Just moved into a nice brand new condo, I dont want to make a bad impression with the neighbors by keeping them up at my usual vampire hours. I need a good set of phones that can be plugged into my sound card / walk man. I prefer them to be comfortable and provide good sound.
Looking for Quality and Economy here, the less they cost the better for my weekly "Wings & Pitchers" Club meetings with the guys.;)

Lookin to spend 50 smackers at the max.
Thanks in Advance.


Golden Member
Apr 30, 2000

<< Ok you audiophiles.

Just moved into a nice brand new condo, I dont want to make a bad impression with the neighbors by keeping them up at my usual vampire hours. I need a good set of phones that can be plugged into my sound card / walk man. I prefer them to be comfortable and provide good sound.
Looking for Quality and Economy here, the less they cost the better for my weekly "Wings & Pitchers" Club meetings with the guys.;)

Lookin to spend 50 smackers at the max.
Thanks in Advance.

I personally like the Sony MDR-7505s. They are very comfortable and they are very well-made. Price: approximately $99. EDIT: forgot to mention you can find them for as litle as $40 in most broadcasting trade magazines.


May 7, 2001


<< Ok you audiophiles.

Just moved into a nice brand new condo, I dont want to make a bad impression with the neighbors by keeping them up at my usual vampire hours. I need a good set of phones that can be plugged into my sound card / walk man. I prefer them to be comfortable and provide good sound.
Looking for Quality and Economy here, the less they cost the better for my weekly "Wings & Pitchers" Club meetings with the guys.;)

Lookin to spend 50 smackers at the max.
Thanks in Advance.

I personally like the Sony MDR-7505s. They are very comfortable and they are very well-made. Price: approximately $99. EDIT: forgot to mention you can find them for as litle as $40 in most broadcasting trade magazines.

YOu mean mdr-7506s =D


Excellent headphones!

They are the same exact can as the 7506, but w/o the gold miniplug. ANd they cost $30 less!


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001

<< grado sr60's for about 60 bucks >>

BEST HEADPHONES EVER (for 60 bucks :) )