(NECRO) What are the repurcussions for forging a prescription?

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Platinum Member
May 2, 2000
I wonder if it depends for what the prescription was forged? I would seem to think that a forged presciption for a narcotic would have higher penalties than a fake presciption for contact lenses or allergy medicine.

Anyone know about this?



Elite Member
Aug 31, 2001
My roommates dad recently had 20 something felony charges dropped against him for prescription fraud. What happened was that a patient (female) needed morphine for pain, but had no insurance so he wrote the prescriptions out in the boyfriends name. Well the female ODed on morphine and died. He had his licensed pulled for almost three years during the whole fiasco.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Yeah, I know.
Forging any rx is a criminal offense, but doing so for a federally controlled RX can get you several years for each offense. 5 years I believe.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Depending on the drug involved, it could be a very serious felony, even if no one is harmed.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2000
How about if you order a prescription drug from another country? I order from Mexico cause it cost 1/4 the price and I don't need a doctor to write a dumd prescription.. Think I can get in trouble?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Depends on the drug. Depends on the person Depends on the Pharmacy. But most likely you will go to Jail.
If it is a simple alteration of the prescription. Most likely the Dr will be called and he/she will decide. The least no more carrying your own prescription to the pharmacy. The worst hello buba! If it is a outright fake for a nice drug such as Oxycontin you will be having a visit from the DEA.
Of course it all depends. But don't expect to get away with it. We do have ways of finding out.



Platinum Member
May 2, 2000
I want to get a prescription for Proscar (finasteride). It is the same medicine, Propecia, for balding (which I am doing) but it is marketed differently. Proscar is 10% the cost of Propecia.

I could stand going to jail but not to prison. I wonder if I go to Mexico what I'll need, if anything , to get medication.



Golden Member
Oct 29, 1999
I think in some states, the penalty for prescription fraud can be as much as 4 to 10 years in prison. From this site, it also appears that Proscar is the 5 mg. version of finasteride and prescribed for prostate gland enlargment while Propecia is the 1 mg. version prescribed for baldness. They are not exactly the same.


Platinum Member
May 2, 2000
Originally posted by: dakata24
why not goto your doctor and get a legitimate prescription?

I have tried several doctors (even went to an internist and told him I had prostate problems....he said that I didn't) to have them substitute Proscar instead or Propecia--they wouldn't do it.


Platinum Member
May 2, 2000
Originally posted by: Talon
I think in some states, the penalty for prescription fraud can be as much as 4 to 10 years in prison. From this site, it also appears that Proscar is the 5 mg. version of finasteride and prescribed for prostate gland enlargment while Propecia is the 1 mg. version prescribed for baldness. They are not exactly the same.

I have read that many people split the pill into 1/4ths to get closer to the Propecia dosage...that's what I plan to do.


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2001
Doctors get kickbacks for prescribing drugs from a single company for each treatment. If you don't agree with their drug of choice, you'll have to see another. HMOs may not let you see an alternative physician without a lot of redtape. Also, many people don't even have medical insurance so just taking a few visits to a doctor can cost them hundreds of dollars out of their pocket.

Originally posted by: dakata24
why not goto your doctor and get a legitimate prescription?



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hum rnmcd are you really sure you want to play with this drug on your own? It has a really nasty habit of stoping your testosterone production. Which lets you grow hair back Ya for us bald folks but it also causes Impotence. If your using it for prostate consider looking into other drugs. I don't remember off the top of my head but there is another drug that works.



Oct 10, 1999
I worked at a pharmacy for about 5 years ... We have had hundreds of forgeries (either in the form of altered RX, forged written rx, or people calling in claiming they are the doctors.)

Many people that just made alterations we would call the doc and verify the quantity, and them give them the medicine for the correct quantity (lots of times people would come from emergency rooms and change Vicodin to Vicodin ES, or HP, or they would change #8 to #18, or I have seen people change #20 to #120 ....

When people would have totally forged written scripts, we'd call the doc first and verify its fake and if they want to press charges. If the doc wants to press charges ... than the PD gets a call ... Lots of the forgers have police scanners, so we had to use some number for their main detectives office... When the persom comes to pick up the forged script, We would stall them until the police got there ... they would then be escorted in handcuffs.

Lots of times, when we were stalling them, they would figure it out ... and run like hell,
Sometimes ... the police would use their radios ... and the guy would hear it on his scanner ... and not get caught.
We even had a guy that would call the Answering service for the doc .. and he would pretend to be the doctor and check for messages ... We did not catch this guy (He did get caught at another store though)

You should not forge a prescription. You probably would not get caught, However if you do, it is totally not worth it.
You could try to convince your doctor to write for the proscar, however that is Fraud, so he probably would not do it.

I wish there was a good way to get the proscar or propecia both legally and cheap ... but i do not know of any way (unless your doctor gives free samples)


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Why not shave your head, buy a toupee or get transplants?

Taking a drug that grows a little peach fuzz as a side effect is an extreme way to (sort of, maybe) help with thinning hair. And as soon as you stop taking it, away goes the fuzz.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
drs get kickbacks? my dock almost never wrote a prescription for me if she could avoid it... i got so many sample packs of drugs... helps to show up in the morning after the marketing guys for the drug companies have just left.


Platinum Member
May 2, 2000
Originally posted by: Carrot39
Hum rnmcd are you really sure you want to play with this drug on your own? It has a really nasty habit of stoping your testosterone production. Which lets you grow hair back Ya for us bald folks but it also causes Impotence. If your using it for prostate consider looking into other drugs. I don't remember off the top of my head but there is another drug that works.


I wouldn't be using it for prostate problems.

If it stops testosterone which causes hair to regrow then why do guys take testerone shot to "regain their youth" which would imply growing hear too.


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2001
Originally posted by: rnmcd
Originally posted by: Carrot39
Hum rnmcd are you really sure you want to play with this drug on your own? It has a really nasty habit of stoping your testosterone production. Which lets you grow hair back Ya for us bald folks but it also causes Impotence. If your using it for prostate consider looking into other drugs. I don't remember off the top of my head but there is another drug that works.


I wouldn't be using it for prostate problems.

If it stops testosterone which causes hair to regrow then why do guys take testerone shot to "regain their youth" which would imply growing hear too.
Regaining their youth has nothing to do with growing hair. It's to 'stimulate' other things.



Platinum Member
May 2, 2000
Originally posted by: BurnItDwn
You should not forge a prescription. You probably would not get caught, However if you do, it is totally not worth it.
You could try to convince your doctor to write for the proscar, however that is Fraud, so he probably would not do it.

I wish there was a good way to get the proscar or propecia both legally and cheap ... but i do not know of any way (unless your doctor gives free samples)

What is your opinion of a person getting a legitimate prescription then going to Mexico or Canada to get the prescription filled at a much lower cost?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
As it turns out, I know of a case that just happened. My friend Bob's gf June is a Registered Nurse. Her license was just renewed. Bob's brother and his wife Angela were at Bob's house and Angela noticed June's expired RN license in the wastebasket and took it.

Angela called up pharmacies and ordered narcotic prescriptions pretending to be June (and using June's license number) saying she worked with at some doctor's office. She ordered them in her own name and picked them up. This actually worked for two months, and when she called in another refill the pharmacist was suspicious because he never saw anyone be on that particular drug longer than six weeks. The pharmacist called the doctor's office, which blew Angela's little scam. Angela got arrested.

If she didn't have really good political connections, she would have gone to jail. But because her family makes big political contributions, she got a $10,000 fine which had to be paid before they would let her out of jail. The average person would have been in jail.
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