NEC Optical Drive not working on ASUS SLI


Nov 16, 2004
anyone having a problem with their optical drive not working?

I have the sli board from asus and everything is finally up and running but when i try and load a game or some application and i put the cd in the optical drive( I only have one.) it runs for a minute then turns off. I can still move information from the cd to say the DESKTOP or another folder. But, it won't let me open the drive. at first I thought it might be the app that i was installing but tried a few others and it stopped working periodically.

any reason for that?

I am runnign a fairly small psu(350w antec stock 20pin), but everything else works great. 3Dmark05 score of 2786, not bad.

Do you think this might be bios related.(i installed the new bios 1003.)

Do you think this might be driver related.(couldn't find new drivers for my NEC 3500A)

any help would be much appreciated.
Jan 7, 2005
What are all of your components? Sounds like either a bad optical drive, or a weak power supply. Did you try to update the firmware, possibly with a corrupted version?
Jan 7, 2005
My Benq 1620 is working fine, was immediately recognized by the bios, and I loaded windows from it without incident. Since then I've been optically reading and burning up a storm.

I am using an antec neopower 480, which many people say is crap for this board... but since I got this thing for the pci-e and not sli, it's serving me well. But of course I only have one hard drive and one optical drive- so I don't have many accessories to power.

who knows what they'll say about your 350psu.