hey all. Rossman - thanks for the PM. I forgot about the thread, and needed a reminder.
Impressions? Alright - what I noticed first was the black level - very, very black. While this may seem like a useless statement, with a black desktop I can't see where the desktop ends and the border of the tube begins.
The factory color setting was a bit warm for me, so I adjusted it down to ~7300K. The OSD is simple and functional, though it lacks some of the more 'advanced' (read bizzare) geometery contros compared to my Nokia. For web surfing, and games, I couldn't be happier. This is my first 'perfectflat' monitor, so the screen took a while to get used to. In fact, it still does - it seems like it is 'bowed inward' at times, however when I hold a ruler up to the screen the desktop follows it perfectly. I think this is more of a result of me switching between a conventional monitor and a perfectflat monitor. I can't comment on CAD use, since I don't do much CAD (except for Xilinx).
The text is crisp and clear with my G400Max, the desktop legible (1600x1200x32bpp 'Large Font'). However, I should point out my Nokia 445xi Pro appears crisper, however it is many times the price so that's not a fair comparison. At times the colors seemed a bit too saturated, but that was nitpicky. When the monitor resync's for games, the geometry seems slightly off as well (from 1600x1200 to 1024x768 for Q3), but these are things I can live with.
Would I buy the monitor again at $241? Absolutely. I'm planning on buying a second at this even better price as we speak. I think this monitor performs a notch above it's marketing target as entry level perfectflat. Also, it has the ability to run high resolutions, much higher than the Samsung, which is a bonus for those of you who make use of the extra desktop real estate
I wish I could compare it to the Accusync 90, but other than the specs at the NEC website I couldn't tell you much. However, as alohaboy stated, the Accusync 90 is not a perfectly flat screen. In actuality, perfectly flat screens have a higher distortion than the more conventional curved tubes, but flat is in style this season (I think we can all thank the Sony Wega for that).
Hopefully this helps you guys - happy hunting.