NCAA Football 2005


Platinum Member
Dec 27, 2002
Just read this article on NCAA 2005... I CANT Wait...

First off, the new game will factor in home field advantage. The stadiums have been ranked in terms of the difficulty to play in, and your record, attendence, prestige, etc. will all play into your homefield advantage during dynasty games.

All the players on the field now have a meter showing how poised they are before a given play. They are either poised, medium, or shaken. A player who is medium will have unchanged attributes specific to his position, while those poised or shaken will have greater or lesser respectively. Homefield advantage can raise or lower poise, depending on whether you are the home or away team.

Poise is also based on how old the player is. If you have a freshman QB starting a road game at the Swamp, for example, he's going to have a rough go at it. But as the season progresses, he will gain confidence and play better. Also, if for example you take your strong safety and absolutely punish a reciever (legally) on a few plays early on, your saftey's poise will increase while the reciever struggles to catch the ball in traffic.

The crowd noise will also effect audibles. If the crowd is loud (pump them up with the R3 button while on defense), then the recievers may not hear the audible, and will run the original play while the QB, line run the audible... Pretty interesting.

Recruiting has also been changed. You can now recruit players as "athletes" and change their positions throughout their playing careers. Some good high school running backs may make better linebackers. Some recievers may be better suited for defensive back. If you have two quarterbacks that are similar (Vick and Randall), you could move one out to WR to keep him happy... You have to experiment and find out which position suites them best, and what will keep them happy.

Program integrity will also factor into the game now. The NCAA will oversee your program and watch what you do. If a player misses workouts or skips class, and you don't punish him, then your integrity goes down as a program. I believe you can use "shady" recruiting tactics as well, which could result in some type of sanction, depending on whether you get caught by the NCAA. Not sure, but could this possibly mean bans from bowls or reduced scholarships?

You will also have to manage player feelings throughout the season. If you promise a freshman playing time and don't deliver, he will become upset and his play will suffer. He may also transfer to a rival school... No more recruiting a ton of 5 stars and making them sit for 3 years without playing, as they will be gone before you know it...

Rosters have also been expanded to 75 players instead of 55. This is a great add-on, as you can take a chance on some promising recruits that may need work and give them a chance to develop instead of cutting them in favor of a 5 star freshman...

They also added a create-a-sign feature. Before a game, you can go in and put whatever you want on a sign, which your fans will display during the game. You can put anything from "Go Hawks" to "F*** ISU". Could be interesting in multi-player dynasties. Fans will also do team-specific celebrations, like the tomahawk chop or gator chomp.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
I'm chomping at the bit to get my hands on 2005. We played the heck out of 2004 this past year at my apartment. First off, I'd like to see a lot of things fixed before they add new features (although I'll be the first to admit that the new things being added are very promising); it's way too easy to get sacks, the secondary is stupid no matter how highly-rated they are, offensive line AI is awful, receivers with 90+ catch drop half the passes that are thrown to them (and make circus grabs in traffic but drop passes when there's no one within 10 yards), you can beat anyone with a decent scrambling QB, the list goes on.

As for new features... I'm really anxious to see how they've got Clemson stacked up. We finished well last year and I'm thinking they might put us top 15 preseason this year. I'd like to see how the guys on the team are rated, etc. I really want to see how they've ranked our stadium, typically considered among the toughest places to play. I really like the idea of recruiting athletes. Sometimes I've been stacked at receiver or corner and wanted to move players around and get the best athletes on the field and it doesn't really work that well. I hope this feature is implemented well. I hadn't heard about the shady recruiting stuff, but it sounds cool and definitely adds to the realism that EA is after. Bumping roster size should be a great addition. I've agonized over plenty of rosters come time to cut guys. And I'm definitely looking forward to filling my stands with signs reading "63-17" :D I'll probably have those in every game, not just the game against South Carolina. It just doesn't get old :p

All in all, I'm definitely looking forward to 2005 and will be waiting at the store to get it when they open the day it comes out.


Senior member
Nov 28, 2001
I had been putting off buying another one of these but I think I will buy that one. One can only hope that their march madness title turns out just as good.


Feb 28, 2003
Is this game going to be Xbox Live enabled?

EA may have made a mistake last year by not including live. I really enjoyed the ESPN series of sports games and may just stick with them regardless.

AU Tiger

Diamond Member
Dec 26, 1999
It is Xbox Live enabled. I can not wait till this comes out. The NCAA football is one game I do not hesitate to buy year after year.


Jul 9, 2000
For the first few lines I thought this had to do with the BCS. hahahaha..ready to rant about computers are totally fncking up the game, and just get a damn playoff system already!


Golden Member
Mar 5, 2001
Has anyone used xbox live before ? I see microsoft is teaming up with ea sports to make it on microsoft servers.. How well does xbox live play ?


Feb 28, 2003
I'm so looking forward to NCAA. However, with a price point of $19.99 how can I possibly pass up getting my NFL fix from ESPN this year?

Oh, and to answer your question, Xbox Live is great.


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: NuclearNed
Crap. The title deceived me - I wanted to talk about some real football.

Geez Ned, just turn on your radio. It doesn't even matter what time of year it is. :p


May 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: NuclearNed
Crap. The title deceived me - I wanted to talk about some real football.

Geez Ned, just turn on your radio. It doesn't even matter what time of year it is. :p

True. Maybe I'll start another thread about NCAA football of the non-pixelated variety.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2002
Originally posted by: MaxDepth
I can't wait for the real thing.

I can wait for the game. although I will undoubtedly buy it.
i however, cannot wait for the real thing.


Dec 18, 2001
I hate when they keep introducing all this cool new stuff. 2003 to 2004 wasn't much different...but 2005 sounds very different. That means i'm going to have to buy it. :|

Oh well...i'll survive...sounds AWESOME.


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: austin316
are there any reviews out yet? the game came out on tuesday.

It did? Or did it ship on Tuesday? I didn't see it at Wally World or Target yesterday but I may be making a purchase today if this is true!


Mar 1, 2000
Im so pissed.
I routinely do EASO "Testing" via their community leaders program.
Now since EA and MS have shook hands I was psyched to do the same Community Leaders program with NCAA and all the other titles. I get my normal emails from my buddy at EA inviting me into the program but I dont have a damned LIVE account to use... you THINK EA could float me an account.

So no freebie XBOX games for me... but yes, NCAA 2005 looks to be amazing (again)


Jul 31, 2002
Too bad the badgers were so horrible last year :(

I hope they have the new stadium in the game!

The only thing that makes me not wanna get it is that Im so far along in my dynasty in NCAA 2003 :(