It is unbelievable how bad the shows on this station are, my wife watches four in particular.
Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Blacklist and Blindspot. I have seen parts of these as she watches and they are just outrageously bad. The Blindspot promos say it is the hottest drama on tv line, lol WHAT. I thought CBS was bad with the Person of Interest show but I have not seen their other shows so I dont know if they can compare to NBC but POI is also about the same level of bad. I didnt include Law N Order SVU because I wouldnt claim it is bad but it is nothing I would watch, not into the shows with no real over arching stories and every episode is wrapped up. In your opinion, is there a worse channel for tv?
Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Blacklist and Blindspot. I have seen parts of these as she watches and they are just outrageously bad. The Blindspot promos say it is the hottest drama on tv line, lol WHAT. I thought CBS was bad with the Person of Interest show but I have not seen their other shows so I dont know if they can compare to NBC but POI is also about the same level of bad. I didnt include Law N Order SVU because I wouldnt claim it is bad but it is nothing I would watch, not into the shows with no real over arching stories and every episode is wrapped up. In your opinion, is there a worse channel for tv?
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