Garnett is an overpaid, overrated underacheiver.
He doens't have the ability to carry a team.
I'm not saying that he sucks. He's got a pretty good dunk...
He's a good player, but not $120 million good (or whatever outrageous amount he's being paid).
He is just an above average player.
I'd take Dirk Nowitski over him any day, and this is not just because of the series.
Dirk has a more complete game, and a shot that's 100 times sweeter.
He has decent ball handle, grabs boards, has post up/inside game, and he can finish around the rim... and did I mention that he can shoot?
I'd pay him $120 mil before giving KG that dough.
Another thing is that the international players are more disciplined and work hard on the FUNDAMENTALS of the game.
Over here in US, it's all about flashy passes, showboat dribbling, and finishing with the dunk... *ahem* Shaq