There's a cartoon I watched in the 80s I think... maybe early 90s where there were these cars that had modules that were on them... one of them was like a claw, one of them had a big drill thing. I think they also had some guns or something. I saw an episode of robot chicken recently where there was a race and one of the race cars was the vehicle with the claw from this show. I can't remember the name of it and all my searching is not coming up with anything. Can anyone help?
Edit: I found the robot chicken clip.
You can see the vehicle I am talking about at 52 seconds into this and again at 1:09 and finally at 2:16 when it gets destroyed.
Edit: I found the robot chicken clip.
You can see the vehicle I am talking about at 52 seconds into this and again at 1:09 and finally at 2:16 when it gets destroyed.