<< I consider myself conservative, and think the ban is a good idea. Who the hell would support the use of cells while driving? Hell while we're at it lets let people drive drunk, eh?
I don't need someone telling me whether I can or cannot use my cell phone in my car just as I don't need someone telling me to wear my seat belt or to not eat while driving.
Sure, you can pass laws day in and day out to make the country a safer place. But there is a line which we have drawn as a society which is where the acceptable level of risk is.. And this might be too far. >>
Ah, are you one of those people that think banning people from driving while intoxicated is a bad idea? In case you've been too busy to notice, there are hundreds of millions of other people on the road, and *maybe* if you lose your concentration for 2 seconds it's ok because the other drivers have thier concentration and can save their ass from you by swerving out of the way, but if every single f-ing moron in the world gets a cell phone and everyone's distracted, everyone's just f-cked. Besides, why should the responsible drivers have to avoid these idiots at all, if they can't drive intelligently and talk, it IS a safety risk, and it SHOULD be outlawed. What's your problem with this?