mysql either won't start or crash


Junior Member
Apr 2, 2002

I'm trying to install mysql 3.23.51 on a linux system (Redhat 7.2), so far I went through the usual installation procedures and everything seens to go well. Then I went to the installed directory and type safe_mysqld &, and it shows mysql started and then it suddenly ended. I referenced my installation procedures step by step to the manual and other online resources and I don't think i have done anything incorrectly. I went through the manul and tried the --skip-grant-tables option, it let me log into the program as the mysql user which i created. Then i exited the program and tried to restart it again, the program would hung up on the system (keyboard and mouse completely frozen) and I had to reset the computer. So far I'm guessing something must went wrong during the mysql_install_db step and so forth.

This problem continue to persist and I don't know what to do to get mysql work .... ??? Any insights would be greatly appreciated. thx.



Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2000
Why don't you just download the RPM package of MySQL? Install should be a breeze using RPM with Redhat.

Also, I am not sure why you're running the safe_mysqld.. if you install it correctly, it should install the MySQL startup script to the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory. All you need to do to start it is to type in:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start

typo edit.