Originally posted by: MrCodeDude
Originally posted by: DLeRium
He has lower bunk and he showers like once every 2 -3 days and wears teh same clothes over. I sleep on ABOVE HIM on top bunk and the smell permeates my bed and hits my nose.
I have to keep the windows open 24/7. =(
I see your roomate, and raise you mine:
He thinks that instead of showering, he can use Axe. And when he does shower, he doesn't wear sandals.
He has no common courtesy. He expects me to turn off my monitor when he wants to go to bed at 11:00pm because the small amount of light that emits (my monitor is facing opposite him) bothers him.
Yet, some days he's up until 2am watching anime. When I go to sleep, he doesn't turn down his sound, turn off the light, shut off his computer. Sure, none of those things really bother me that much, but it's kind of like, if you expect it from someone else, you should probably be doing the same.
He'll come into the room while I'm in here, the door is open when he comes in, yet when he leaves, he closes it. I've told him countless times to leave the door open to get some airflow going and he still doesn't do it.
He audibly farts and belches constantly.