My results from working out (pics)


Jan 9, 2006
You might remember me from the Ultimate Muscle Training Guide I wrote on here. (Post and account got deleted, long story). Well, I'll stay true to my word and post pics of my progress. I've lost some weight this summer from not working out for a few months, but I'm still happy with my results.


17yr old
7-8% BF

Pic (I don't know why I look strung out here)


Oct 10, 2000
errr... need a sammitch and about 30lbs of muscle. And that's not 7% body fat - when you get that low, you can see individual muscle bundles (ie the ripped look)


Dec 28, 2003
Um, I'll give you the honest truth. Your bodyfat is very low. This isn't always a good thing. The truth is that you look unhealthy. You need to stop cutting and start bulking.
6'1 150 is skinny. What supplements are you using. PM me and I can recommend some thing to you.


Oct 16, 2004
6'1" and 150lbs is pretty stickly...put on some more mass! Eat a crapload of protein and whatnot while you workout to actually build the muscle, not just tone it. Better than before, but you can do better.

Also, growing 2 inches at the age of 17 is kinda weird. But w/e!

Special K

Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2000
6'1, 150 lbs? That's incredibly thin. You need to start bulking. How many cals have you been eating? Start tracking them on Fitday

If you want more info on diet or lifting, see the link in my sig or PM me.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
Originally posted by: krunchykrome
Um, I'll give you the honest truth. Your bodyfat is very low. This isn't always a good thing. The truth is that you look unhealthy. You need to stop cutting and start bulking.
6'1 150 is skinny. What supplements are you using. PM me and I can recommend some thing to you.

I wouldn't say that his bodyfat % is very low, per se. It's low to be sure, but I'd save very low for the ~5% (i.e. insane) range. I'm personally around 8% bodyfat, and wouldn't consider myself in any sort of danger zone.

However, it is true that he's definitely underweight. So yeah, don't worry so much about the bf% for a few months, pick up about 20-30 pounds, and then go from there.


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2000
Too lanky, IMHO. Take some lessons from Trygve here on the forums. :)

Oh, pull up the pants while you're at it. It really doesn't make you look any tougher.


Jan 9, 2006
I used to be eating about 5-6 meals a day. At my peak in say May, I was about 6' and 155lbs. No clue why I had such a growth spurt at 16-17.

This summer I lost a good bit of weight. Only been getting in 2-3 meals a day and dinner usually at about 1AM for one reason or another. I think my mom decided to stop cooking breakfast for me when she ran into an ex girlfriend who told her I was her "sexual teacher". Guess it was her idea of a joke to get back at me.

No supplements. I used to take a protein shake before and after workouts. And despite the look, I never touched a drug or even a cigarette in my life. I look high in every pic lol. I have maybe 3 good photographs of myself where I don't look stoned.

I've tried workin out my arms to no end, but it is a matter of genetics I think. Everyone in my family is so lanky and has like 3ft long monster arms. They look small unflexed but if I pump them I can barely touch my shoulders. I'll admit my upper chest is a weakpoint. I tend to work my shoulders instead of my chest when benchpressing, especially on the incline. I don't know why my traps look kind of small, they're one of my strong points.

I plan to clean bulk to about 165lb this year. I needed an extra elective this year, so I put down Physical conditioning. Time to get some more workouts in.

Edit: The pants aren't intentional lol. They are from my weight drop. I used to be a 32 waist, now I am closer to a 31.

Special K

Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2000
Originally posted by: Airsofter
I used to be eating about 5-6 meals a day. At my peak in say May, I was about 6' and 155lbs. No clue why I had such a growth spurt at 16-17.

This summer I lost a good bit of weight. Only been getting in 2-3 meals a day and dinner usually at about 1AM for one reason or another. I think my mom decided to stop cooking breakfast for me when she ran into an ex girlfriend who told her I was her "sexual teacher". Guess it was her idea of a joke to get back at me.

No supplements. I used to take a protein shake before and after workouts. And despite the look, I never touched a drug or even a cigarette in my life. I look high in every pic lol. I have maybe 3 good photographs of myself where I don't look stoned.

I've tried workin out my arms to no end, but it is a matter of genetics I think. Everyone in my family is so lanky and has like 3ft long monster arms. They look small unflexed but if I pump them I can barely touch my shoulders. I'll admit my upper chest is a weakpoint. I tend to work my shoulders instead of my chest when benchpressing, especially on the incline. I don't know why my traps look kind of small, they're one of my strong points.

I plan to clean bulk to about 165lb this year. I needed an extra elective this year, so I put down Physical conditioning. Time to get some more workouts in.

Since your "Ultimate workout guide" or whatever got deleted, I don't know what routine you were doing, but from reading your post it sounds like you were too concerned with isolation exercises. Worrying about upper chest and even arms is pointless when you only weigh 155 lbs at 6'1". You can't even isolate your "upper chest". Want your arms to grow? Gain 50 lbs. of total body weight and I guarantee at least some of it will end up on your arms. Look around any gym - who are the guys with the biggest arms? The biggest guys period! Granted you may not have the best "arm genetics", but it sounds like you were trying to isolate them or something, which is not the best way of doing things, especially at your height/weight. You need to base your workout on compound lifts - squat, deadlift, bench, rows, chins, dips, etc. Throw in an arm curl here and there if you want to, but it's the big lifts, combined with a TON of food, that will ultimately make you (and your arms) grow.

Again I since I don't have access to your "Guide" I don't know if I'm just repeating stuff you were already doing. I'm just trying to give some helpful advice.