I used to be eating about 5-6 meals a day. At my peak in say May, I was about 6' and 155lbs. No clue why I had such a growth spurt at 16-17.
This summer I lost a good bit of weight. Only been getting in 2-3 meals a day and dinner usually at about 1AM for one reason or another. I think my mom decided to stop cooking breakfast for me when she ran into an ex girlfriend who told her I was her "sexual teacher". Guess it was her idea of a joke to get back at me.
No supplements. I used to take a protein shake before and after workouts. And despite the look, I never touched a drug or even a cigarette in my life. I look high in every pic lol. I have maybe 3 good photographs of myself where I don't look stoned.
I've tried workin out my arms to no end, but it is a matter of genetics I think. Everyone in my family is so lanky and has like 3ft long monster arms. They look small unflexed but if I pump them I can barely touch my shoulders. I'll admit my upper chest is a weakpoint. I tend to work my shoulders instead of my chest when benchpressing, especially on the incline. I don't know why my traps look kind of small, they're one of my strong points.
I plan to clean bulk to about 165lb this year. I needed an extra elective this year, so I put down Physical conditioning. Time to get some more workouts in.
Edit: The pants aren't intentional lol. They are from my weight drop. I used to be a 32 waist, now I am closer to a 31.