First step is to go into the IWILL controller BIOS and create the RAID 0 stripping drive (the instructions within the BIOS are pretty straightforward
and clear so there should be no problems). Doing so will erase everything in the drive.
After this, reboot to a WinME start-up disk (you should have one handy), run with (or without CD support to make it faster), then run FDISK.
Create the maximum drive partition size available ( I havent tried doing several partitions) and then reboot to the start-up disk again. At this point you
will format the RAID drive ( format c: ). After formating, restart, enter the mobo BIOS, and set it up to boot to a CD. Then insert your WinXP CD, reboot
and install it.
Note: You should also go to and download the drivers for the Highpoint RAID controller. After downloading, expand it to a floppy.
When the WinXP setup asks you if you want to set-up a SCSI or RAID controller, choose yes and when it asks for a floppy, insert the Highpoint disk.
I also have this IWILL RAID controller and it will not work with the built-in drivers in XP; I have to use the new drivers.