My overclocked 1200 MHz Athlon MP


Senior member
Oct 30, 1999
Hi folks; I just got this puppy in the mail today. It's a 1200 MHz Athlon MP with the following code:

(C) 1999 AMD

I am currently running it on my Epox 8K7A at 1400 MHz at 1.95 volts. Unfortunately, it simply won't go any higher; no matter what I boost the voltage up to (1466). It runs perfectly stable at 1400 mhz however. I just bought a new supply -- Energmax 431 (I think that's the name, anyways) watts. I'll see what it can do with that supply.

I haven't run any benchmarks yet; I just reinstalled the OS fresh. My board can hit 160 MHz FSB stable with aggressive memory timings, so I'll report back in a bit with some benchmarks at 1400 MHz