My last 2 Seti results


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
I am rather stoked at the moment. Now that they races I was in are over I took some time to tweak with my system. I replaced the XP2000+ (Palomino) chip in my main rig with a XP1800+ (T-Bred). With the 2000 I was running at 175x10. That was the best I could get. I am running this T-Bred at 197x9.5 and I was my memory timings set to turbo on my epox 8K3A board. So if the last 2 WU's are any indication, I will make my goal of constant sub 3 hour WU's. If I can keep them around 2:30, then I am very happy! MORE MORE MORE!!!!

Result: 23oc02ab.22521.15250.348568.63
Seti File Name 23oc02ab.22521.15250.348568.63
Time Recorded Thu 2002 Oct 24 2:52:29am (101 days 17 hr 46 min ago)
Downloaded from setiqueue at Sun 2003 Feb 02 2:30:43pm (5 hr 7 min ago)
Ra, Dec 0.526, 8.12 (Constellation: Pisces)
Angle Range 7.507
Estimated Tera FLOPs 3.32613
Was Queued in Q0002
Platform i386-winnt-cmdline
Seti@home Version 3.03
Completed by WOOD-BDRM
Downloaded at Thu 2003 Jan 23 3:09:13am (10 days 16 hr 29 min ago)
Completed at Sun 2003 Feb 02 5:05:12pm (2 hr 33 min ago)
Cpu Time 2 hr 30 min

Result: 26oc02ab.15921.32448.347162.132
Seti File Name 26oc02ab.15921.32448.347162.132
Time Recorded Sun 2002 Oct 27 5:53:19pm (98 days 1 hr 46 min ago)
Downloaded from setiqueue at Sun 2003 Feb 02 11:41:48am (7 hr 57 min ago)
Ra, Dec 16.453, 13.33 (Constellation: Herculis)
Angle Range 2.006
Estimated Tera FLOPs 3.35479
Was Queued in Q0002
Platform i386-winnt-cmdline
Seti@home Version 3.03
Completed by WOOD-BDRM
Downloaded at Thu 2003 Jan 23 3:07:12am (10 days 16 hr 32 min ago)
Completed at Sun 2003 Feb 02 2:30:43pm (5 hr 8 min ago)
Cpu Time 2 hr 29 min



Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
I am going to let this sit like this for a few days and get an idea of an average, then I will try to tweak some more to find the best setting for pumping out WU's. i can't go any higher on the FSB so I may play with dropping it down a touch and raising the mult up a bit and see what gives me better seti times!


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2000
2:30 times only at 1.87ghz!?! :Q

Wow... I really wonder what my CPU can put out.:confused:

If I do assimilate more rigs to SoB, I might move back to SETI with my main rig. Pre-2 hour times? Nah, I wish ;)

Keep us updated MoFunk! I am sure most of us would like to see if a Higher mhz rating or FSB would be better for SETI.



Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2001
Those are indeed nice times!! Thats more than one our faster than my PIV 2.0Ghz :D
Can you push the limits a bit further? ;)


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Originally posted by: CyGoR
Those are indeed nice times!! Thats more than one our faster than my PIV 2.0Ghz :D
Can you push the limits a bit further? ;)

I seem to be stuck at 197fsb. i could drop the mult some more but I think that my pci bus will hold me back. I am going to try and lower the FSB and raise the mult and see what that gives me in a few days. I did try 195x10 but it crashed in the sandra benchmarks. Not sure if I need to give the cpu more juice, but with air cooling I don't want to give it too much. I may try that next though but will wait until I have time to really watch my temps. I am now thinking of buying an 8RDA board which will allow me to lock the PCI and AGP bus, that may help me get up and over the 200fsb mark!

Here is another nice time my system turned in.....
Result: 26oc02ab.15921.32785.92308.95
Seti File Name 26oc02ab.15921.32785.92308.95
Time Recorded Sun 2002 Oct 27 6:02:45pm (98 days 12 hr 22 min ago)
Downloaded from setiqueue at Sun 2003 Feb 02 11:20:43pm (7 hr 4 min ago)
Ra, Dec 16.078, 8.16 (Constellation: Serpens)
Angle Range 7.186
Estimated Tera FLOPs 3.32708
Was Queued in Q0002
Platform i386-winnt-cmdline
Seti@home Version 3.03
Completed by WOOD-BDRM
Downloaded at Thu 2003 Jan 23 3:19:21am (11 days 3 hr 5 min ago)
Completed at Mon 2003 Feb 03 1:49:13am (4 hr 35 min ago)
Cpu Time 2 hr 27 min


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2000
I was amazed, too, by the times I've been cranking out. I bought a 2100+ t-bred (running at ~2.2Ghz now), a new mobo and better ram, and my times have been under 2hrs 30min. It's incredible. It's like how SETI times were with the old client on a P3 700e@1Ghz. :)


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Nice WU times :D
Bear in mind though that they were VHAR WUs & therefore faster than the average WU.

Btw I take it you have set the RAM timings to CAS 2-2-2 ?
What voltage have you got your CPU to?

Btw I recently unlocked my XP1600 (well partially!
,still no x11.5:() ,I've got it running at 12x147=1767MHz atm :) ,it will go higher but it needs a lot more voltage so I don't know if its worth it.Atm its at 1.8v

Anyway 0.4xx (average) WUs get done in about 3hrs 8-12mins ,it was doing 3hrs 25mins at 10.5x152=1.6GHz.
I know when I had it at 11.5x152MHz it was doing average WU's in about 3hrs 5mins