my laptop from work


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2000
hello. i recently fixed my laptop problem. i reconfigured the way i login and after rebooted was unable to login. so i had to use a special boot floppy that allowed me to change the password. once the password was changed, i was able to log back in. the only problem is that i can only login as administrator. i can not seem to get my old username back. i gues i will have to let the IT guys at work reconfigure things. will this be hard to do? i hope i didn't lose any files. i noticed some programs were missing...but found them and then created a short cut. since i am now the admin...will it be difficult to go back to a regular user?


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Sounds like maybe you took your laptop off of the domain (and into a workgroup) or something similar. You should probably explain the problem to the IT guys at work what happened, since they will need to re-add your computer back into the domain (you usually need special rights to do that). If they're worth their salt, it will be a 5 minute operation to fix.

Oh, and in the future, I'd just talk to the IT guys in the first place ;). If you needed to be admin on the machine, they'd probably just hook you up, or at least give you user priviledges to do what you need to do.