Just because I have huge tracts of land doesn't mean you can deposit your cat here.
I already have a fat jerk of a cat that will crush your cat with its girth.
Oh and the rooster needs to STFU
What do you do when wild animals dump on your property?
Sorry, I had to get rid of him. The experiment went horribly wrong and I could not bare to look at it anymore.
Picture of the poor thing
Sorry, I had to get rid of him. The experiment went horribly wrong and I could not bare to look at it anymore.
Picture of the poor thing
five o'clock shadowIt's kind of cute, in a weird, creepy way.
If it matters, in some years that patch of soil will be nutrient enriched for growing whatever plant you feel like on there.
You don't want to end up with crappy soil with depleted nutrients!
I have an incredible desire to give that thing a cigar.five o'clock shadow
Well wild animals are ok plus I have a dog so they don't do a lot of dumping. Oh and the Llamas do this weird shrill noise thing that warns them off.