My hurtin eyes


Senior member
Aug 10, 2005
I have begged and pleaded to darken the titles of the posts in this Forum. there is NO EXCUSE for such a professional outfit to ignore eye health and simple readability.

It is UNACCEPTABLE. One big problem with the net in general and Anand Tech in particular is that they have tried to re-engineer what makes for good reading contrast. This is stupid. Black on white is still the best, the Internet did NOT CHANGE THAT FACT.

But about ANYTHING would be better than the poor eye hurting choice on this board.

Sadly, as I have been coming around for years, SINCE THE BEGINNING, I delete Anand Tech from my daily read list, and therfore from my read list at all.

I hate to do this, but my eyes will thank me for this.

A sad 55 yeard old reader with about average eyes for my age. I speak also for others out there like me.



Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: capeconsultant
I have begged and pleaded to darken the titles of the posts in this Forum. there is NO EXCUSE for such a professional outfit to ignore eye health and simple readability.

It is UNACCEPTABLE. One big problem with the net in general and Anand Tech in particular is that they have tried to re-engineer what makes for good reading contrast. This is stupid. Black on white is still the best, the Internet did NOT CHANGE THAT FACT.

But about ANYTHING would be better than the poor eye hurting choice on this board.

Sadly, as I have been coming around for years, SINCE THE BEGINNING, I delete Anand Tech from my daily read list, and therfore from my read list at all.

I hate to do this, but my eyes will thank me for this.

A sad 55 yeard old reader with about average eyes for my age. I speak also for others out there like me.


Hmmm, the read topics titles are darkened for me and I'm like you, an old fart with failing eye sight.


Elite Member
Jan 2, 2001
Sorry you can't find a color scheme that suits you. I have old eyes and don't have any problem with the colors although a number of people complained about this after the upgrade (yourself included.) Have you tried changing the colors or increasing the font size to see if it helps?


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
I've been using the GM/Stylish fixes in this thread for a while now. I can't imagine what it's like to endure the horrible default colour schemes for this long.