Unfortunatley I had one of those Rev 4 boards and all the classic problems , Cmos resets, chronic instability, drivers failing to load, floppy corruption and so on.
I tried putting heatsink compound on the chipset and went just short of soldering a 200 ohm resistor onto the ZP resistor.
So I have given up and am paying the restocking fee and getting the epox board.
I've done bois upgrades and set the memory timings to normal reseated the ram, the video, made sure I had good power, sigh. . .
It wasn't a fancy setup Athlon 1.2, 256 MB of DDR, Geforce MX 200 32 mb video, 30 gig quantum, samsung CD, and a creative modem.
Just never knew which machine you were going to get when you booted it up.
So I'm not intending to bash this board just p1ssed I couldn't get it to run with what it had .. .
Sure I coulda bought an XP processor for it and it mighta fixed it but I'm tired of playing with it, finally.
My wife pushed me to give it up months ago but I persevered hoping to find the magic solution cause I hated to give up considering all the useful information
found here on troublshooting the little beast.
Hello epox!
I tried putting heatsink compound on the chipset and went just short of soldering a 200 ohm resistor onto the ZP resistor.
So I have given up and am paying the restocking fee and getting the epox board.
I've done bois upgrades and set the memory timings to normal reseated the ram, the video, made sure I had good power, sigh. . .
It wasn't a fancy setup Athlon 1.2, 256 MB of DDR, Geforce MX 200 32 mb video, 30 gig quantum, samsung CD, and a creative modem.
Just never knew which machine you were going to get when you booted it up.
So I'm not intending to bash this board just p1ssed I couldn't get it to run with what it had .. .
Sure I coulda bought an XP processor for it and it mighta fixed it but I'm tired of playing with it, finally.
My wife pushed me to give it up months ago but I persevered hoping to find the magic solution cause I hated to give up considering all the useful information
found here on troublshooting the little beast.
Hello epox!