My dead cat is haunting my house...


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I swear to God the kitty has come back to haunt me. I had her for 19 years and she just died 4 months ago and I can still hear her meowing and ever once in a while my bed room door will creep open. :Q I?m starting to freak out. I never abused her or anything we had a good human cat friendship I wonder why she won?t go into the great beyond or whatever cats do. :confused:


Apr 12, 2001
nine lives, man.

seriously, its probably a sub-conscious thing that you're so used to living with her, your mind just assumes that things going on in your house (creaking, wind moving doors, etc) are because of the cat...


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Angrymarshmello
Leave a bowl of milk out for her. If it's gone in the morning burn your house down

I've always wondered if nuking a haunted place would get rid of the hauntings. :Q



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Leave a bowl of milk out for her. If it's gone in the morning burn your house down

They can follow you haven?t you ever seen Poltergeist? If I start hearing stuff through the TV I?m going to flip. Or maybe this is just my teenage years coming back to haunt me.


Mar 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Kilgor
I swear to God the kitty has come back to haunt me. I had her for 19 years and she just died 4 months ago and I can still hear her meowing and ever once in a while my bed room door will creep open. :Q I?m starting to freak out. I never abused her or anything we had a good human cat friendship I wonder why she won?t go into the great beyond or whatever cats do. :confused:

What's more likely, that the enrgy of your cat has persisted beyond its life or that your attachment to the departed energy of the cat is causing a sort of echo?

neither, probably...


Mean MrMustard

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2001
You didn't happen to bury it in the middle of nowhere inside an area encircled by stones did you?

Did an old man tell you about the place?

Do Indians have anything to do with it?


Senior member
Feb 20, 2003
tearing down a house does sometimes get rid of the ghosts. they tore down a haunted house nearby my neighborhood. the local history behind it was that some woman flipped out and killed 4 of her kids and then herself in it. so every family that ever moved in ended up vacating weeks to a month after. the city took ownership after it had been abandoned for many months. then they gave it to a church which used it to house their nuns and priests who tried to exorcise the place but left after a few months. so they boarded the place up and condemned it and then tore it down after it became an eyesore since it was at the corner of a busy intersection.

me theory is that ghosts need to anchor themselves to objects and/or people. which is why most are weary to purchase antique furniture. like the furniture that was sold out of amityville. paintings are the most haunted of items.

yet tearing down a house or blowing it up wont necessarily end hauntings. native americans/europeans/africans/asians/other have for centuries spoke centuries of haunted natural lands such as lakes, forests, mountains, caves, and fields. ancient hauntings are the most dangerous because of the amount of energy they have and can use. examples would be curses, certain western deserts, and such.

im a big geek about ghost stuff.


Apr 3, 2001
youve been smoking the drywall havent you? my kitty started haunting me too and the wierd thing was i never had a cat


Senior member
Jul 4, 2003
I seriously think that there are ghosts in the apartment I just moved into. It's a pretty old place, but I think they live in the pipes.
They like to pick on me in particular though, not my roommates.
I take a shower every day, and this only happens to me. NOBODY else. While I'm taking the shower, all of a sudden, the water goes so fvcking cold, and I gotta stay away from it for a while, and then it goes back to normal real quick. And it sometimes does this 3-4 times in one shower. So a 10 minute shower sometimes turns into 35 minutes.
This happens even if I'm the first one to wake up, and it's not my roommates turning off the hot water cause it happens even when I'm the only person in the house and the doors are locked.