My computer won't make up its!


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
OK, so a few days ago I notice I have a little over a gig left on my hard drive, and all was well. Today, I was just surfin the web, and a the disk cleanup thing pops up and tells me that I only have 128 MB left. I was like, "WHAT!?!?!" So just as I'm about to do something about it, my computer locks up, and I have to turn it off and then on again. This time, I check my drive and it now says I have over a gig left. Now I'm confused. Then, as I log onto the internet, I check again and it has gone down to about 800 MB. I come here to post about it, in the middle of my typing my comp locks up again, and I have to restart once more. It comes back on and tells me that I have 128 MB again. I uninstall a bunch of crap, bring it up to about a gig and half, then come here once more to try and post. My comp AGAIN locks up, I turn it off and on again, and it still says about a gig and a half.



Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
OK, I think see a correlation between the lock-ups and ReGet, the download manager I use. If I start up ReGet, ReGet will freeze, and soon after ctr+alt+del to close that, my whole computer locks up. Any suggestions? Do I have to uninstall ReGet, if so, will this dump my partially downloaded file (please say no)?


Senior member
Jun 29, 2000
run scandisk, chances are it's just misreporting the freespace, scandisk will take care of that


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
Way ahead of you, frover, I ran it and it returned no errors. Should I run the thorough scan that takes several hours? I only ran it to check files and folders. Thanks for the suggestions guys and keep 'em coming, now it says I have over 2.5 gigs. :)