On my work computer running win2k, which I don't have much control over what gets installed, seems to have the hiccoughs.
If you look at the cpu usage graph it goes through these bouts of spiking ever 5 or 10 seconds for just a fraction of a second, freezing the computer. If i'm playing music it skips, and if i'm typing something a couple letters will get left out.
I'm stared at my list of processes for minutes on end (usually when i do this it doesn't hiccough, but i've caught it a few times) but none of the processes' cpu usage seems to jump up, perhaps because the computer is frozen for that time so doesn't update it.
can anyone think of likely culprits?
If you look at the cpu usage graph it goes through these bouts of spiking ever 5 or 10 seconds for just a fraction of a second, freezing the computer. If i'm playing music it skips, and if i'm typing something a couple letters will get left out.
I'm stared at my list of processes for minutes on end (usually when i do this it doesn't hiccough, but i've caught it a few times) but none of the processes' cpu usage seems to jump up, perhaps because the computer is frozen for that time so doesn't update it.
can anyone think of likely culprits?