My case has excellent cooling but apparently my cpu is hot


Senior member
Mar 21, 2001
Right now I have the 1.6a on an Asus p4b266-c. At default it runs 41c idle and 51c load. Overclocked I hit 150mhz fsb and it runs about 45-46c idle and 53 load. I have had no problems so far however..........
Everywhere I post and read people hardly go over 38c load overclocked. Now I have pretty good ventilation in my case and had no problems previously or currently with heat. Except for this CPU.
Two possibilities....
One: Everyone is lying about thier temps with the stock HSF
Two: People are reading the case temps instead of the CPU Temp.

I am reading my temps off on MBM5 on the Asus 2 (CLUS2) sensor for cpu temp
Case temps would be sensor 1 which is at 26c idle 28c max

All cables in case have been rounded and hidden out of the path of airflow. I am going to try using thermal paste instead of the stock pad that is on the HS and also I am going to dremel my case today to open up the areas where my fans are to allow for more air flow and less noise.

Setup includes:
40 gig 7200 RPM hdd
8x DVD
radeon 8500
PC 2100 DDR
p4 1.6a @ 2.4 w/ stock heatsink
SB Audigy
Netgear FA 310TX
Fan in bootom front blowing in
Fan in rear blowing out
Two HDD Bay coolers blowing air in to the case


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
Don't use the Asus (CUSl2) setting... that's only for CUSL2 motherboards, and that motherboards derivatives.... try using Asus 2 for hte CPU.



Golden Member
Dec 16, 2001
Is your system stable? Are there no issues with the overclock? If so, why would you be concerned with the CPU temp?


Senior member
Mar 21, 2001
ok put it to what you suggested. Man I just though that that was waaaay to low of a temp for a cpu. Max Temp was 41C Idle was 26c. Right now have it at 2.4ghz with no voltage mod

As to wy I am woried... Possibly thought I had a cpu that may not of been able to overclock as well. Hey what can I say I'm obsessed ;)