My car had an accident...I've some questions


Golden Member
May 30, 2001
This evening I was pulling out of the parking lot of a building. There is a stop sign at the exit. The car in front of me stopped at the stop sign, and started backing up!! I honked my horn, but the driver hit my car (fender on passenger side was damaged). Luckily there was a cop in the parking lot who SAW what had happened, and based on his report, I am not at fault. So far, so good.

I also remembered reading somewhere that it helps if one has pictures of the car taken at the accident site, and I DO have the pictures (film yet to be developed: I will post them once I do). Now here is what I need to know:

a. Do I call up my Bank (the Leinholder) and inform them what happened?
b. How useful would the pictures be IN CASE there is a problem (the other driver's insurance company doesn't want to pay, etc.)
c. My insurance company advised me not to make any repairs to the car till I got an estimate for the damages and I communicated it to the other driver's insurance company. Do you know how long the process takes (in other words, for how many days will I have to drive a car with a damaged fender??)

Btw: There was a lady who was witnedd to the incident. She volunteered the be the witness. Since the other driver had admitted his fault, although grudgingly, I thanked her and politely refused.

Edit: Thanks notfred for suggesting the correct grammatical usage.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2000
Oh.. that sucks.. I would definately develop the pics asap and send them to your insurance agent. Make sure you get the insurance info from the person that ran into you and call them up. Be very firm on the phone with them, b/c they could weasel their way outta this.

Please post pics when you have them. Hope you feel better :)


Dec 26, 2000
You don't have to call the bank.
The pictures show the damage that occurred as a result of the accident, and protect you from their claiming that stuff happened afterwards.
Depends on your insurance company, mine had an adjustor out within about 2 days.
I would have taken the witness's info down, it's not like the guy made a sworn statement of guilt.


Golden Member
May 30, 2001
originally posted by: PipBoy
I would have taken the witness's info down, it's not like the guy made a sworn statement of guilt.

Hmm....I am begining to think so too! Anyways, too late now.
The Police officer's report says that the other guy was given a verbal warning and There is a column which says "Subject of Action" under which the category 'Operator' is checked. In this case, the Operator would be the other guy. He was driving his Daughter-In-Law's car