My AV Receiver Blew! Fix possible, or replace?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Bah! It seems that my Onkyo 605 has shed its mortal coil and joined the great scrap heap in....New Jersey?

I was turning on the system the other day, and rather than power on, the Onkyo responded with a "half click" noise, standby red light switched off as if it was powering on, then the light cycled back on (display remained off), another half click, then red light back on--unit off. Seems like a failure to power-on. So, maybe a busted PSU?

I firmly believe that this is entirely my fault. My current set up has the receiver sitting on the bottom shelf of a target-esque TV stand, completely open sides and back, but the glass shelf sits snugly above the receiver, leaving almost no room for ventilation out of the top. This is rather unavoidable, unfortunately (can't be adjusted any other way, nowhere else to place the receiver), and I've always cringed a bit while the system is running.

Anyway, here's what I'm thinking: Is this worth repairing, easy & cheap, perhaps? (no more warranty)

Or do I just replace? This is currently what I'm considering. A few units ~the same level, that supposedly offer 1.5-2 inches greater clearance across the top:

The Denon 790

or maybe this Yamaha RX-V765:
(today only: $350 shipped! :)) though I pay taxes with Newegg shipping in CA, I think :hmm:

I've never owned a Denon or Yamaha, though I've always heard them to be rather solid. Apparently Denon has superior sound EQ to the Yamaha, while the Yamaha has a more solid PSU. Also, Denon has a reputation for being "mind-bogglingly complex" to set up, or so I hear?

Any other suggestions that I should consider, before unexpectedly spending my planned savings this month? :)


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
I have the Denon avr 1910 which is pretty much the exact same thing as the 790. i have no complaints other then i hate the remote. Remote hate is common, denon changed it with the 1911

i wouldn't call the 1910 "mind boggelingly" hard however it was more annoying then i had anticipated


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I have the Denon avr 1910 which is pretty much the exact same thing as the 790. i have no complaints other then i hate the remote. Remote hate is common, denon changed it with the 1911

i wouldn't call the 1910 "mind boggelingly" hard however it was more annoying then i had anticipated

I was actually looking at the 1910 first, trying to figure out the differences? Also, this ProLogic IIz is new since I was last looking into these things. Is it actually useful? It doesn't seem to be considered an HD audio codec, or is it? If not, why would I prefer it to the HD codecs? ...does it fix the horrible mixing of dialogue vs say, an opening door, that we find in modern films?

I'll be using my Logitech 505 anyway, so I'm not terribly concerned about functionality of the remote. I really don't know what most comments about "complexity" of setup for Denon really describe, but it seems that the manuals are often indecipherable, and perhaps the menus aren't as intuitive as other units?

I figure there's enough online to figure this out, it doesn't really bother me. I'm leaning towards the Denon, as I'd like to be more patient with upcoming deals. Someone here mentioned in another thread that they were able to pick it up for ~$300 not too long ago.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
PLIIz = added height channels. Audyssey DSX does the same thing with a different formula (as well as offering width channels too).

Batpig's site solves the Denon setup issue.

Have you tried resetting the AVR?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Have you tried resetting the AVR?

no I haven't. is there a fail-proof way to do this? I haven't taken much time to deal with it, actually. Been busy working this weekend (more or less)


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2006
Listed today at the Klipsch forum I frequent:

I am selling a Onkyo TX-SR705 in excellent condition 9/10 with the original box and all original items. I even have another Onkyo TX-SR705 remote that I will through in the deal, I had bought an extra remote just in case I broke the first one but both look and work perfectly. There are no scratches and it works perfectly with my Klipsch RF63 setup so thats why I gave it 9/10 brand new would be 10/10 for me. I have a baby girl coming Sept 6th due date and I am closing on our new house Aug 17th I am moving only three towns over but I am selling my gear because I have other responsibilities. The Onkyo TX-SR705 will be packed and shipped correctly with a tracking number.. I had bought this A/V reciever brand new it wasn't a refurb, I had paid good money for this unit

I would like to get $199 plus whatever shipping is. I have sold items before and eveything went smoothly.



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Listed today at the Klipsch forum I frequent:


Oh man...thanks for the tip, and i would jump at that, but I'm now convinced that I need something with a little more clearance--all the Onkyo's seem to have an extra inch up top compared to other brands, based on the specs that I've been reading.

...also, I tried to reset (can't do it--b/c it won't even power up--blah), and trip some circuit protection default thingy (last page of manual), and that doesn't work either.

guess I'm getting a new one.... :(...:hmm:....:awe:


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Hey Zin!

That sucks man. If it's broke go here:

They have been blowing out high power refurb receivers lately with full 2 year warranties for 1/2 to 2/3s off retail prices, or even 3/4 off for the lower end models. You can get an AVR 3600 for half off retail, and a AVR 354 for 2/3s off. I picked up a like new 3600 last month for about $500 shipped. Scored a 354 last night for $285 shipped, for my less used HT. You simply can't beat those deals, especially for the sweet sonic nirvana sound that H/K's amps reproduce.

I don't think you will regret buying an H/K receiver. So far, I haven't. And you might find they are low profile enough to fit in your cabinet. I barely have head room in my custom HT rack in the living room (but it's metal and open on the sides with vent holes in the shelves) and the AVR 354 will barely fit. And I would also recommend adding some kind of external fan system on the side or back of the unit to cool it off a bit next time. And the AVR 2600 & 3600 has a fan in the back, too.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
well, I picked up the Denon 790. Just arrived from Amazon and will give it a go tonight.

bought it used for ~$340. The box came with a big gash in the front. :( took pictures. Will be pissed if it doesn't work.