My apartment building is still unfinished...

Doctor Nyse

Senior member
Jun 26, 2006
I moved into a newly built apartment complex back in January -- brand new, completely new tenants, unused, etc. The entirety of the walls in the entrance, hallways, staircases were unpainted, the door beyond the buzzer door (for lack of a better term) didn't shut completely, the staircases were unfinished (exposed steel/framing), a few light fixtures were left hanging. I figured at the time "it's a new spot.. they are still working on it." Well, it is now August and all of the above are still unfinished. Note this is only the case outside of the actual apartments, which are completely finished fine. It seems as though they are making / will be making no effort whatsoever to finish things up now that all of the apartments are filled and rents being paid...

Is there anything that can be done to get this kind of thing sorted out? It bugs me, you know... the entrance and staircases and everything just look like a mess (still scraps laying around, construction marks, paint splotches, etc) and while I'm paying for my actual living space, I feel like the common areas of the apartment should be resolved. Sure the first step is a complaint but is there anything legal (as far as rent payments) to be done?

Moved into a new apartment in January
Entrance/common areas are completely unfinished + unpainted
Exposed lighting & framework
Still unfinished in August with no progress having been made
Doesn't look like they will finish it now that the place is filled

Any ideas?


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2005
Call the city and see if they have issued an occupancy permit for the address, prepare to pack.


Oct 15, 1999
If there really are light fixtures hanging out of the ceiling, call the city building dept. That's a health safety issue and a very big deal to the local government.