My 7900gt finally takes a crap...


Senior member
Oct 14, 2005
Well, needless to say, I was incredibly happy with the speeds. I'm actually kind of suprised it didn't happen sooner. The card does work, although I am currently underclocking to keep the artifact to a managable level :p. I made no hard mods to the card, so an RMA shouldn't be any issue (albeit, a little dishonest maybe. my wife isn't happy about that one). But looking back, I'd probably hold off on overvolting a card till it was closer to the end of it's useful life expectancy. The only frustration (a minor one) is the fact that I still don't have that 8800gtx (or whatever other card I end up buying) to fall back on while I RMA.

Anyway, this is just a little post 7900gt-overvolting/overclocking-frenzy update. I'm crediting insufficient cooling of the VRs with the failure. I did use a small passive chipset HS with some thermal tape on the VRs, but perhaps that wasn't enough. If I do this again, I'll look to use a little heftier cooling solution there.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
725/2000???????????? holy @#$% of god, thats huge.

my 7900GT was *only* at 550/800. im sure i could push it more, but i dont really need to.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2005
Keep in mind thats effective mem speed. 1000 per mem channel, 2000 effective. Effectively your at 550/1600.

And thats with an overvolt mod, not stock voltage. Hence the overheated VRs :p


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
Is the card an eVGA? If so then the lifetime warranty covers overclocking so there is no dishonesty involved. My understanding is their warranty covers pretty much everything short of physically harming the card, even with an aftermarket cooler your covered. Those speeds are pretty crazy, I only did mild OC to my 7800 GT but I might be tempted to go more once I upgrade.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2005
yup, eVGA. And I'm pretty sure there's just a little bit of dishonesty involved. I used a pencil mod to up the voltage on the mem, and a trace writing pen to "write" new traces, bringing the voltage on the gpu up to 1.55 (1.2v stock). There's no way the card would have ever touched those speeds at stock volts. But alas, the topic of the thread prevails. But as I said, perhaps more aggressive cooling of the VRs would have saved my card from this fate. I think I've even seen small water blocks made specifically for VRs. I could have dreamt that one though ;).


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2005
I managed 630/1610 with only 1.3V and no pencil mod. I'm thinking of going to 1.4V soon.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
Originally posted by: liquid51
Keep in mind thats effective mem speed. 1000 per mem channel, 2000 effective. Effectively your at 550/1600.

And thats with an overvolt mod, not stock voltage. Hence the overheated VRs :p

hahaha yeah i know...still, goddamn dude. im envious, lol.


Golden Member
May 20, 2006
Originally posted by: liquid51
Keep in mind thats effective mem speed. 1000 per mem channel, 2000 effective. Effectively your at 550/1600.

And thats with an overvolt mod, not stock voltage. Hence the overheated VRs :p

That sounds like the specs of an 8800. :Q


Senior member
Oct 14, 2005
Originally posted by: secretanchitman
Originally posted by: liquid51
Keep in mind thats effective mem speed. 1000 per mem channel, 2000 effective. Effectively your at 550/1600.

And thats with an overvolt mod, not stock voltage. Hence the overheated VRs :p

hahaha yeah i know...still, goddamn dude. im envious, lol.

Oops! Sorry dude! There I go assuming again :eek:

oh, don't be too envious. My 7900gt is broken! LOL

Originally posted by: Nightmare225
That sounds like the specs of an 8800. :Q

Just minus the architecture, DX10 support, unified shaders, 512mb ddr3, etc, etc, etc :p


Senior member
Oct 14, 2005
Yeah, it was rthdrbl and atitool stable, zero artifact for at least 30 minutes (I needed to actually play a game instead of testing the OC). It's too bad I don't have screenies :(.

It ran strong for over a year, but seemed to go down when I got rid of my 7900GTOs and put it into my inverted mobo case. I think when the thermal tape got warm it was letting the HS sag off the VRs a little. My fault I guess :eek:.


Diamond Member
May 30, 2004
Originally posted by: MrWizzard
1000 years bad jewjew on you.

No doubt. I think it's funny (and pretty sad at the same time) that you just admitted that you're about to commit fraud. That would be a felony, in case you were wondering.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2005
I don't think the title of this topic was "lets put liquid51's morality on trial". But in case I missed it, great, I'm sad and you are a morally upstanding citizen.
Ok. 1000 years bad juju to me (jewjew just doesn't sound right). Done.
(Hey, at least I'm not attempting to curse someone and their family for generations to come ;) )

Back to the topic for those who care: an update on the long term effect of the 7900gt voltmod OC with air cooling. A big I told you so for those that said "you'll just ruin your card cause the VRs already run hot".
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Elfear
Originally posted by: MrWizzard
1000 years bad jewjew on you.

No doubt. I think it's funny (and pretty sad at the same time) that you just admitted that you're about to commit fraud. That would be a felony, in case you were wondering.

awww shut up

guys like you spoil all the fun.


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Spike
Is the card an eVGA? If so then the lifetime warranty covers overclocking so there is no dishonesty involved. My understanding is their warranty covers pretty much everything short of physically harming the card, even with an aftermarket cooler your covered. Those speeds are pretty crazy, I only did mild OC to my 7800 GT but I might be tempted to go more once I upgrade.

it would be a completely dishonest scheme:

As originally stated by: liquid51And thats with an overvolt mod, not stock voltage. Hence the overheated VRs

and the reason for his card's failure.

Originally posted by: liquid51
I don't think the title of this topic was "lets put liquid51's morality on trial". But in case I missed it, great, I'm sad and you are a morally upstanding citizen.
Ok. 1000 years bad juju to me (jewjew just doesn't sound right). Done.
(Hey, at least I'm not attempting to curse someone and their family for generations to come ;) )

Back to the topic for those who care: an update on the long term effect of the 7900gt voltmod OC with air cooling. A big I told you so for those that said "you'll just ruin your card cause the VRs already run hot".

well, it would be pretty stupid of you not to expect some comments on that.. it's bound to happen when you publicly announce you're going to attempt fraud :roll:

i dunno.. from what you said your wife has similar reservations? did you tell her you don't give a crap about her morals either? i bet that goes over well :p


Senior member
Oct 14, 2005
Dude, we've already established that I am morally defunct. I never said I didn't expect comments on it either. And I'm also not fighting back because it's pointless to argue such things in forums.

I chose my words very poorly apparently and perhaps shouldn't have revealed my evil intentions. I'm not going to turn this thread into something beyond it's original intention, so I'm no longer posting here unless it's in regards to the original topic.


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 2000
Originally posted by: liquid51
Dude, we've already established that I am morally defunct. I never said I didn't expect comments on it either.

i'm not arguing either.

in fact, i wouldn't have even commented in that regard, except you started your reply with

Originally posted by: liquid51
I don't think the title of this topic was "lets put liquid51's morality on trial".

so i simply pointed out that, given the subject of your topic, it's not only understandable that people would question your morals, but expected.


Diamond Member
May 30, 2004
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer

awww shut up

guys like you spoil all the fun.

Gee, silly me expecting people to abide by the law. :disgust:


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
Doesn't eVGA warranty cover practically everything short of physically modifying the card? Or do undo-able voltage mods count as permanent physical mods?