my 04 gs500f

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Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2004
I never made an official post on my pick up. I did my MSF and passed nicely. Picked up 04 GS500f and the following day my paperwork came in for my MSF.
Overall pretty nice I like this bike, the more standard seat. Sorry for the subpar pictures, these are off my phone. Its my first bike originally I was looking at a SV650n but this came along.

First day I got it had a sticker on the windshield that I pulled off later.

My 2 means of transportation

Minor damage here.. it was dropped.

I tired to do the naked look…

Got new hoops today because I noticed tires were dated from 03 and dry rotted. Avon Roadrider in stock 110 and 130 sizes. I think I should of went 140r

Overall i'm pretty happy being on two wheels. I gotta get a lot more mileage under me to feel confident about my riding. Pretty mad that its been cold and raining most of time in IL.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2004
yellow, wasn't the best of colors but it grew on me. I didn't want the blue/white theme that the gixxers have. I wanted that grey/silverish tone. Or paint it white =D but i'll most likely live with yellow.

question on bikes. when the bike running an all... i have no problems going into first or second at a stand still, but i'm have a very hard time getting into neutral. Not really a hard time, i just cant get into it. Once i shut off the bike i can easily pop it in to N without any struggle.

I'm kinda annoyed at lights because i have to be in first the whole duration. Is it a bike design or a problem on my bike? I would think it was a problem on my bike because once the bike is off it slides nice and easy into N and locks out first. Once started i can kick it into first but not back into N.

sidenote i did just change the oil yesterday to rotella T 15w40 diesal oil but everyone on the GS board recommends it as well as bobtheoilguy. I dont think that is the problem but hey gotta look at what was recently done.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
yellow, wasn't the best of colors but it grew on me. I didn't want the blue/white theme that the gixxers have. I wanted that grey/silverish tone. Or paint it white =D but i'll most likely live with yellow.

question on bikes. when the bike running an all... i have no problems going into first or second at a stand still, but i'm have a very hard time getting into neutral. Not really a hard time, i just cant get into it. Once i shut off the bike i can easily pop it in to N without any struggle.

I'm kinda annoyed at lights because i have to be in first the whole duration. Is it a bike design or a problem on my bike? I would think it was a problem on my bike because once the bike is off it slides nice and easy into N and locks out first. Once started i can kick it into first but not back into N.

sidenote i did just change the oil yesterday to rotella T 15w40 diesal oil but everyone on the GS board recommends it as well as bobtheoilguy. I dont think that is the problem but hey gotta look at what was recently done.

You really should be in gear at a light but I'm guilty of putting it in neutral quite often just out of laziness. I always park my bike in gear to keep it from rolling off the side stand.

It sounds like you just need to press up or down a little lighter. Try rocking the bike back and forth a little or letting the clutch engage just a bit and then pull it back in and try to find neutral again. Edit-This also works if you have a hard time finding 1st after stopping in neutral or if you are downshifting quickly while slowing and it gets stuck in a higher gear.
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Nov 3, 2009
thats common for ALOT of bike, try giving it a light rev then looking for N

You really should be in gear at a light but I'm guilty of putting it in neutral quite often just out of laziness. I always park my bike in gear to keep it from rolling off the side stand.

It sounds like you just need to press up or down a little lighter. Try rocking the bike back and forth a little or letting the clutch engage just a bit and then pull it back in and try to find neutral again.

that will work too

I go to N at lights, but I try and wait fomr someone to be in line behind me already
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Sep 5, 2004
GS500 is a stellar first bike. Had I been able to find one I'd have picked it over my dog-ugly EX500, but they are much less common. And hey, when it's a starter bike you can't worry too much about the cosmetics!!!

Practice practice practice my friend!

As for finding Neutral it just takes some getting used to. Know what it feels like to change gears and then do the same at around 50-60%.
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Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2004
I never had problems finding N, on any of the bikes in the MSF class.

You guys say its finding the right touch but i dont think thats the issue. Because if i dont have the right touch i would be bouncing from first and second at the light. I'm not doing that by any means.

I come to a light downshift into first and then find out its a LONG light. So i try to kick up into N. Its not going into N nor is it going into 2nd. I was playing with ease of clutch and or rev it up and trying. It doesn't go into N. It seems like its lock out. When i got off the main roads and on to side streets at stop signs with no one behind me i tried again. Same results but then i stalled, and on my bike i need to be in N and clutch out to start it. It slides right in to N without a struggle. WHen i got home it did exactly the same thing.

Bike on, never got into neutral. Bike off, i can slide it into N w/o even try.

Yea Jules, i shouldn't be in N at lights but on long lights knowingly i just tried today and found out it didn't go into N. I dont remember at all if it was an issue before the oil change. I dont want to blame the oil but it could it be. Rotella T 15w40, recommened is 10w40.
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